Intelligent Motion Systems MDrive34AC manual The IMS SPI Upgrader Screen, Upgrade Instructions

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The IMS SPI Upgrader Screen

Upgrading the Firmware in the MDriveAC Plus Microstepping

The IMS SPI Upgrader Screen

New firmware releases are posted to the IMS web site at

The IMS SPI Motor Interface is required to upgrade your MDriveAC Plus Microstepping product. To launch the Upgrader, click "Upgrade!" on the IMS SPI Motor Interface menu.

The Upgrader screen has 4 read-only text fields that will display the necessary info about your MDriveAC Plus Microstepping.

Figure 2.3.10: SPI Motor Interface Upgrade Utility

1.Previous Version: this is the version of the firmware currently on your MDriveAC Plus Microstepping.

2.Serial Number: the serial number of your unit.

3.Upgrade Version: will display the version number of the firmware being installed.

4.Messages: the messages text area will display step by step instructions through the upgrade process.

Upgrade Instructions

Below are listed the upgrade instructions as they will appear in the message box of the IMS SPI Upgrader. Note that some steps are not shown as they are accomplished internally, or are not relevant to the model IMS product you are updating. The only steps shown are those requiring user action.

Welcome Message: Welcome to the Motor Interface UPGRADER! Click NEXT to continue.

Step 2: Select Upgrade File

When this loads, an explorer dialog will open asking you to browse for the firmware upgrade file. This file will have the extension *.ims.

Step 3: Connect SPI Cable

Step 4: Power up or Cycle Power to the MDriveAC Plus

Step 6: Press Upgrade Button

Progress bar will show upgrade progress in blue, Message box will read "Resetting Motor Interface"

Step 8: Press DONE, then select Port/Reconnect.

NOTE: Once entered into Upgrade Mode, you MUST complete the upgrade. If

the upgrade process is incomplete the IMS SPI Motor Interface will continue to open to the Upgrade dialog until the process is completed!

Part 2: Interfacing and Configuring


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Contents Excellence in MotionTM 34 TM42TM OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSLow Voltage Installation Information inaccuraciesMDriveAC Plus Microstepping Revision R031808 Important information Qualification of personnelIntended Use This page intentionally left blank Table Of Contents Part 1 Hardware SpecificationsPart 2 Interfacing and Configuration 1-13Section 2.3: Using the IMS SPI Motor Interface Section 2.4: Using User-DefinedSPI2-12 2-21List Of Figures Part 1: Hardware SpecificationsPart 2: Interfacing and Configuration AppendicesList of Tables Part 1: Hardware SpecificationsPart 2: Interfacing and Configuration AppendicesConnecting AC Power Connect Opto Power and Logic InputsGETTING STARTED MDriveAC Plus MicrosteppingConnecting Parameter Setup Cable Install the IMS SPI Motor InterfaceMotion Settings DialogInput Settings Dialog Figure GS.2: MDriveAC Plus CDPART HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS Excellence in Motion TMmICROSTEPPING Page Intentionally Left Blank Relevant to Firmware VersionConfiguring Features and BenefitsSECTION Introduction to the MDrive34AC Plus Microstepping20 Microstep Resolutions up to General Specifications Electrical SpecificationsThermal Specifications I/O SpecificationsSetup Parameters MDriveAC Plus Microstepping Setup ParametersMotor Specifications DefaultMechanical Specifications Dimensions in Inches mmConnectors Control KnobPin Assignment and Description available to interface to the 19-PinM23 ConnectorNEED A CABLE? The following cordset isPin Assignment - P1 I/O, SPI and Encoder ConnectionsPin # FunctionOutside: Pins 1 Inside: Pins 13 -Options and Accessories Introduction to the MDrive42AC Plus Microstepping ConfiguringFeatures and Benefits Motor, Power Supply, and Drive Electronics20 Microstep Resolutions up to Electrical Specifications Thermal SpecificationsI/O Specifications Communications SpecificationsSetup Parameters MDriveAC Plus Microstepping Setup ParametersDefault Table 1.4.1: Setup ParametersMechanical Specifications Dimensions in Inches mmConnectors P1 P3available to interface to the 19-PinM23 Connector Pin Assignment and DescriptionNEED A CABLE? The following cordset isPin Assignment - P1 I/O, SPI and Encoder ConnectionsPin # FunctionOutside: Pins 1 Inside: Pins 13 -Pin Pin Pin Options and Accessories Parameter Setup Cable and AdapterInternal Encoder Control KnobPART INTERFACING AND CONFIGURING Section 2.2: Connecting SPI CommunicationsSection 2.3: Using the IMS SPI Motor Interface Section 2.4 Using User-DefinedSPIPage Intentionally Left Blank Relevant to Firmware VersionIsolated Logic Input Pins and Connections Logic Interface and ConnectionOptically Isolated Logic Inputs MD-CS10x-000Wire Color ReferenceIsolated Logic Input Characteristics Step ClockDirection QuadratureSTEP/DIRECTION TIMING QUADRATURE TIMINGUP/DOWN CW/CCW TIMING Figure 2.1.3: Clock Input Timing CharacteristicsOptocoupler Reference MDriveACPlusMicrostepping Optocoupler ReferenceNPN Open Collector Interface Sinking MDriveACPlus MicrosteppingPNP Open Collector Interface Sourcing Input Connection ExamplesSwitch Interface Sinking Switch Interface SourcingFault Temperature Warning Output Switch Interface ExampleMinimum Required Connections Figure 2.1.7: Fault Output interfaced to an LEDFigure 2.1.8 Minimum Required Connections Connecting SPI Communications Connecting the SPI InterfaceSPI Signal Overview +5 VDC OutputSPI Pins and Connections MDriveACPlus Microstepping #1 MDriveACPlusMicrostepping #2 2-11Using the IMS SPI Motor Interface Installation Configuration Parameters and RangesColor Coded Parameter Values MDriveAC Plus Microstepping Setup ParametersView Settings Screen IMS SPI Motor Interface Menu OptionsFile Perform File OperationUpgrade RecallHelp 2-141.MSEL: Microstep Resolution Select MSEL Microstep Resolution SelectionConnected/Disconnected Indicator FactoryExit HCDT Hold Current Delay TimeScreen 2 I/O Settings Configuration Screen Input Clock Filter SettingsEnable Active High/Low Input Clock TypeFault Indication IMS Part Number/Serial Number ScreenMDriveAC Plus Microstepping Fault Codes The IMS SPI Upgrader Screen Upgrade Instructions2.Serial Number: the serial number of your unit Initialization Screen Communications Port OperationsPort Menu Using User-DefinedSPI SPI Timing NotesCheck Sum Calculation for SPI SECTIONSPI Commands and Parameters 2-22Table 2.4.1: SPI Commands and Parameters Relevant to Firmware VersionREAD WriteSPI Communications Sequence Page Intentionally Left Blank Relevant to Firmware VersionAPPENDICES Appendix B: Gear BoxesAppendix C: Optional Cables and Cordsets Appendix D: Interfacing an EncoderPage Motor Specifications MDriveAC Plus Microstepping Motor PerformanceMDrive34AC Plus Microstepping MDrive34AC – 120VACDouble Length Triple LengthMDrive42AC Plus Microstepping MDrive42AC – 120VACMotor Specifications Single LengthDouble Length 1147 oz-in/810 N-cmAPPENDIX B MDrive with Planetary GearboxSection Overview Product OverviewCalculating the Shock Load Output Torque TAB ExampleFigure B.1: MDrive23 Torque-SpeedCurve Table B.1: Planetary Gearbox Operating Factor Weight of Conveyor Belt A-11A-12 A-13 Planetary Gearbox for MDrive34AC Plus2 A-14MDrive34AC Plus2 Planetary Gearbox Parameters PM81 Gearbox Ratios and Part NumbersPlanetary Gearbox for MDrive42AC Plus2 A-15PM105 Gearbox Ratios and Part Numbers A-16 PM120 Gearbox Ratios and Part NumbersMD-CC300-000 USB to SPI Parameter Setup Cable Installation Procedure for the MX-CC300-000APPENDIX C Optional Cables and CordsetsA-18 A-19 Determining the Virtual COM Port VCPAdapter A-20MD-CS10x-000Cordset Pin Assignment and Wire ColorsP1 - Expanded I/O Configuration FunctionMD-CS20x-000Cordset Table C.2: Euro AC Wire Color Chart3-PinEuro AC Connector MD-CS200-000Pin Configuration APPENDIX DMDriveAC Plus Microstepping Factory Mounted EncoderEncoder Signals A-24Features APPENDIX ELinear Slide Option MDrive34Plus Linear SlideA-26 SpecificationsMechanical Specifications ScrewTWENTY-FOUR24 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY OBTAINING WARRANTY SERVICEWARRANTY intelligent motion systems, INC Excellence in Motion