Intelligent Motion Systems MDrive34AC Introduction to the MDrive42AC Plus Microstepping, Section

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Introduction to the MDrive42AC Plus Microstepping


Introduction to the MDrive42AC Plus Microstepping

The MDrive42AC Plus Microstepping high torque integrated motor and driver is ideal for designers who want the simplicity of a motor with on- board electronics. The integrated electronics of the MDrive42AC Plus eliminate the need to run motor cabling through the machine, reducing the potential for problems due to electrical noise.

The unsurpassed smoothness and performance delivered by the MDrive42AC Plus Microstepping are achieved through IMS's advanced 2nd generation current control. By applying innovative techniques to control current flow through the motor, resonance is significantly dampened over the entire speed range and audible noise is reduced.

The MDrive42AC Plus accepts a broad input voltage range from 95 to 264 VAC, delivering enhanced performance and speed. Oversized input capacitors are used to minimize power line surges, reducing problems that can occur with long runs and multiple drive systems. An extended operating range of –40° to +85°C provides long life, trouble free service in demanding environments.

Figure 1.3.1: MDrive42AC Plus Microstepping Integrated

Motor, Power Supply, and Drive Electronics

The MDrive42AC Plus uses a NEMA 42 frame size high torque brushless motor combined with a microstepping driver, and accepts up to 20 resolution settings from full to 256 microsteps per full step, including: degrees, metric and arc minutes. These settings may be changed on-the-fly or downloaded and stored in nonvolatile memory with the use of a simple GUI which is provided. This eliminates the need for external switches or resistors. Parameters are changed via an SPI port.

For use in environments where exposure to dust and liquids may occur, a sealed MDrive42AC Plus Microstepping unit with circular connectors meets IP65 specifications.

The versatile MDrive42AC Plus Microstepping is available in multiple configurations to fit various system needs. Two rotary motor lengths are available as are optional: internal optical encoder; control knob for manual position- ing; integrated planetary gearbox. Interface connections are accomplished using standard industrial connectors.

The MDrive42AC Plus is a compact, powerful and inexpensive solution that will reduce system cost, design and assembly time for a large range of brushless motor applications.


The IMS Motor Interface software is an easy to install and use GUI for configuring the MDrive42AC Plus from a computer's USB port. GUI access is via the IMS SPI Motor Interface included on the CD shipped with the prod- uct, or from Optional cables are available for ease of connecting and configuring the MDrive.

The IMS SPI Motor Interface features:

Easy installation.

Automatic detection of MDrive version and communication configuration.

Will not set out-of-range values.

Tool-tips display valid range setting for each option.

Simple screen interfaces.

Features and Benefits

Highly Integrated Microstepping Driver and NEMA 42 High Torque Brushless Motor

Advanced 2nd Generation Current Control for Exceptional Performance and Smoothness

Single Supply: 120 or 240 VAC

Low Cost

Extremely Compact

Part 1: Hardware Specifications


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Contents 34 TM Excellence in MotionTM42TM OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSLow Voltage Installation Information inaccuraciesMDriveAC Plus Microstepping Revision R031808 Important information Qualification of personnelIntended Use This page intentionally left blank Part 1 Hardware Specifications Table Of ContentsPart 2 Interfacing and Configuration 1-13Section 2.4: Using User-DefinedSPI Section 2.3: Using the IMS SPI Motor Interface2-12 2-21Part 1: Hardware Specifications List Of FiguresPart 2: Interfacing and Configuration AppendicesPart 1: Hardware Specifications List of TablesPart 2: Interfacing and Configuration AppendicesConnect Opto Power and Logic Inputs Connecting AC PowerGETTING STARTED MDriveAC Plus MicrosteppingInstall the IMS SPI Motor Interface Connecting Parameter Setup CableMotion Settings DialogInput Settings Dialog Figure GS.2: MDriveAC Plus CDPART HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS Excellence in Motion TMmICROSTEPPING Relevant to Firmware Version Page Intentionally Left BlankFeatures and Benefits ConfiguringSECTION Introduction to the MDrive34AC Plus Microstepping20 Microstep Resolutions up to Electrical Specifications General SpecificationsThermal Specifications I/O SpecificationsMDriveAC Plus Microstepping Setup Parameters Setup ParametersMotor Specifications DefaultDimensions in Inches mm Mechanical SpecificationsConnectors Control Knobavailable to interface to the 19-PinM23 Connector Pin Assignment and DescriptionNEED A CABLE? The following cordset isConnections Pin Assignment - P1 I/O, SPI and EncoderPin # FunctionOutside: Pins 1 Inside: Pins 13 -Options and Accessories Configuring Introduction to the MDrive42AC Plus MicrosteppingFeatures and Benefits Motor, Power Supply, and Drive Electronics20 Microstep Resolutions up to Thermal Specifications Electrical SpecificationsI/O Specifications Communications SpecificationsMDriveAC Plus Microstepping Setup Parameters Setup ParametersDefault Table 1.4.1: Setup ParametersDimensions in Inches mm Mechanical SpecificationsConnectors P1 P3Pin Assignment and Description available to interface to the 19-PinM23 ConnectorNEED A CABLE? The following cordset isConnections Pin Assignment - P1 I/O, SPI and EncoderPin # FunctionOutside: Pins 1 Inside: Pins 13 -Pin Pin Pin Parameter Setup Cable and Adapter Options and AccessoriesInternal Encoder Control KnobSection 2.2: Connecting SPI Communications PART INTERFACING AND CONFIGURINGSection 2.3: Using the IMS SPI Motor Interface Section 2.4 Using User-DefinedSPIRelevant to Firmware Version Page Intentionally Left BlankLogic Interface and Connection Isolated Logic Input Pins and ConnectionsOptically Isolated Logic Inputs MD-CS10x-000Wire Color ReferenceStep Clock Isolated Logic Input CharacteristicsDirection QuadratureQUADRATURE TIMING STEP/DIRECTION TIMINGUP/DOWN CW/CCW TIMING Figure 2.1.3: Clock Input Timing CharacteristicsMDriveACPlus Optocoupler ReferenceMicrostepping Optocoupler ReferenceMDriveACPlus Microstepping NPN Open Collector Interface SinkingPNP Open Collector Interface Sourcing Input Connection ExamplesSwitch Interface Sourcing Switch Interface SinkingFault Temperature Warning Output Switch Interface ExampleMinimum Required Connections Figure 2.1.7: Fault Output interfaced to an LEDFigure 2.1.8 Minimum Required Connections Connecting the SPI Interface Connecting SPI CommunicationsSPI Signal Overview +5 VDC OutputMDriveACPlus Microstepping #1 MDriveACPlus SPI Pins and ConnectionsMicrostepping #2 2-11Configuration Parameters and Ranges Using the IMS SPI Motor Interface InstallationColor Coded Parameter Values MDriveAC Plus Microstepping Setup ParametersIMS SPI Motor Interface Menu Options View Settings ScreenFile Perform File OperationRecall UpgradeHelp 2-14MSEL Microstep Resolution Selection 1.MSEL: Microstep Resolution SelectFactory Connected/Disconnected IndicatorExit HCDT Hold Current Delay TimeInput Clock Filter Settings Screen 2 I/O Settings Configuration ScreenEnable Active High/Low Input Clock TypeFault Indication IMS Part Number/Serial Number ScreenMDriveAC Plus Microstepping Fault Codes The IMS SPI Upgrader Screen Upgrade Instructions2.Serial Number: the serial number of your unit Initialization Screen Communications Port OperationsPort Menu SPI Timing Notes Using User-DefinedSPICheck Sum Calculation for SPI SECTION2-22 SPI Commands and ParametersTable 2.4.1: SPI Commands and Parameters Relevant to Firmware VersionREAD WriteSPI Communications Sequence Relevant to Firmware Version Page Intentionally Left BlankAppendix B: Gear Boxes APPENDICESAppendix C: Optional Cables and Cordsets Appendix D: Interfacing an EncoderPage MDriveAC Plus Microstepping Motor Performance Motor SpecificationsMDrive34AC Plus Microstepping MDrive34AC – 120VACTriple Length Double LengthMDrive42AC Plus Microstepping MDrive42AC – 120VACSingle Length Motor SpecificationsDouble Length 1147 oz-in/810 N-cmMDrive with Planetary Gearbox APPENDIX BSection Overview Product OverviewExample Calculating the Shock Load Output Torque TABFigure B.1: MDrive23 Torque-SpeedCurve Table B.1: Planetary Gearbox Operating Factor Weight of A-11 Conveyor BeltA-12 A-13 A-14 Planetary Gearbox for MDrive34AC Plus2MDrive34AC Plus2 Planetary Gearbox Parameters PM81 Gearbox Ratios and Part NumbersPlanetary Gearbox for MDrive42AC Plus2 A-15PM105 Gearbox Ratios and Part Numbers PM120 Gearbox Ratios and Part Numbers A-16Installation Procedure for the MX-CC300-000 MD-CC300-000 USB to SPI Parameter Setup CableAPPENDIX C Optional Cables and CordsetsA-18 Determining the Virtual COM Port VCP A-19A-20 AdapterPin Assignment and Wire Colors MD-CS10x-000CordsetP1 - Expanded I/O Configuration FunctionTable C.2: Euro AC Wire Color Chart MD-CS20x-000Cordset3-PinEuro AC Connector MD-CS200-000APPENDIX D Pin ConfigurationMDriveAC Plus Microstepping Factory Mounted EncoderA-24 Encoder SignalsAPPENDIX E FeaturesLinear Slide Option MDrive34Plus Linear SlideSpecifications A-26Mechanical Specifications ScrewTWENTY-FOUR24 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY OBTAINING WARRANTY SERVICEWARRANTY Excellence in Motion intelligent motion systems, INC