Brother HE-240 Using the Memory Function, Embroidery data precautions, Trademarks

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Using the Memory Function

Embroidery data precautions

Observe the following precautions when using embroidery data other than that created and saved in this machine.


When using embroidery data other than our original patterns, the thread or needle may break when sewing with a stitch density that is too fine or when sewing three or more overlapping stitches. In that case, use one of our original data design systems to edit the embroidery data.

Types of Embroidery Data that can be Used

Only .pes and .dst embroidery data files can be used with this machine. Using data other than that saved using our data design systems or sewing machines may cause the embroidery machine to malfunction.

Computers and Operating Systems with the Following Specifications can be Used

Compatible models:

IBM PC with a USB port as standard equipment

IBM PC-compatible computer equipped with a USB port as standard equipment

Compatible operating systems: Microsoft Windows Me/2000/XP/Vista

(Windows 98SE requires a driver. Download the driver from our web site (

Precautions on Using the Computer to Create and Save Data

If the file name of embroidery data cannot be identified, for example, because the name contains special characters, the file is not displayed. If this occurs, change the name of the file. We recommend using the 26 letters of the alphabet (uppercase and lowercase), the numbers 0 through 9, “-”, and “_”.

.pes files saved with the number of stitches, the number of colors and the number of combined patterns exceeding the specified limits cannot be displayed. Use one of our original data design systems to edit the embroidery pattern so that it meets the specifications.

Do not create folders in “Removable Disk” on a computer. If embroidery data is saved in a folder in “Removable Disk”, that embroidery data cannot be retrieved by the machine.

Even if the embroidery unit is not attached, the machine will manage embroidery data.

Tajima (.dst) Embroidery Data

.dst data is displayed in the pattern list screen by file name (the actual image cannot be displayed). Only the first eight characters of the file name can be displayed.

Since Tajima (.dst) data does not contain specific thread color information, it is displayed with our default thread color sequence. Check the preview and change the thread colors as desired.


IBM is a registered trademark or a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Each company whose software title is mentioned in this manual has a Software License Agreement specific to its proprietary programs.

All other brands and product names mentioned in this manual are registered trademarks of their respective companies. However, the explanations for markings such as ® and are not clearly described within the text.


Image 4
Contents Инструкции по эксплуатации USBподключение Page USB cable IntroductionFollowing USB cable is included with this machine Using the Memory Function Embroidery data precautionsPrecautions on Using the Computer to Create and Save Data Tajima .dst Embroidery DataUSB port connector for computer USB cable connector Retrieving embroidery patterns from the computerMemo DPressError messages GAdjust the pattern as desired, and then begin embroideringError Message Probable Cause ESelect the pattern you wish to retrieveWhen the following screen appears, upgrading is completed AWhile holding Settings key pressed, turn on the machineUpgrading Your Machine’s Software USB-Kabel EinführungHinweis Verwenden der Speicherfunktion Vorsichtsmaßnahmen bei der Verwendung von StickdatenVerwendbare Stickdatentypen Tajima-Stickdaten .dstAufrufen von Stickereien Muster vom Computer AnmerkungCKopieren Sie das Stickmuster auf den „Wechseldatenträger DDrücken SieFDrücken Sie FehlermeldungenFehlermeldung Mögliche Ursache Aktualisieren der Maschinensoftware Der folgende Bildschirm wird angezeigtRemarque Câble USBLe câble USB suivant est fourni avec cette machine Utilisation de la fonction de mise en mémoire Précautions relatives aux données de broderieDonnées de broderie Tajima .dst Marques commercialesDAppuyez sur MémoLes motifs enregistrés sont affichés FAppuyez sur Messages derreurMessage derreur Cause possible Mise à niveau du logiciel de la machine à coudre Lécran suivant apparaîtOpmerking InleidingDe volgende USB-kabel wordt geleverd bij deze machine Gebruik van de geheugenfunctie Voorzorgsmaatregelen borduurgegevensSoorten borduurgegevens die u kunt gebruiken Tajima .dst borduurgegevensBorduur patronen ophalen van de computer USB-aansluiting voor de computer USB-kabelaansluitingDDruk op De opgeslagen patronen verschijnenFoutmeldingen ESelecteer het patroon dat u wilt oproepenDruk op Foutmelding Mogelijke oorzaakHet volgende scherm verschijnt Upgrade van de software van uw machineFMaakweer USB-kabel los zet de machine uit en Introduzione Cavo USBNota Il seguente cavo USB è fornito in dotazione con la macchinaUtilizzo della Funzione Memoria Precauzioni relative ai dati di ricamoTipi di dati di ricamo di possibile utilizzo Dati di ricamo Tajima .dstRichiamo di motivi di ricamo dal computer PromemoriaDPremere Vengono visualizzati i motivi memorizzatiMessaggio d’errore Causa probabile Messaggi d’errorePremere Aggiornamento del software della macchina da cucire Viene visualizzata la schermata seguenteCable USB IntroducciónEl siguiente cable USB se proporciona con esta máquina Uso de la función de Memoria Medidas de precaución relativas a los datos de bordadoTipos de datos de bordado que se pueden utilizar Datos de bordado Tajima .dstDPulse RecuerdeSe muestran los patrones guardados Mensajes de error Mensaje de error Causa probableESeleccione el patrón que desea recuperar PulseActualización del software de la máquina’ AManteniendo pulsada tecla de ajustes, encienda la máquinaAparecerá la siguiente pantalla En el ordenador aparecerá el icono Disco extraíble en Mi PCВведение Кабель USBИспользование функции памяти Меры предосторожности при работе с данными вышиванияПередача рисунков вышивания с компьютера НапоминаниеСообщения об ошибках Выберите нужный рисунокПримечание Page