We’re Here to Help
Conair has made the largest investment in customer support in the plastics indus- | ✐ Additional manuals and prints for | |
try. Our service experts are available to help with any problem you might have | your Conair equipment may be | |
installing and operating your equipment. Your Conair sales representative also | ordered through the Customer | |
can help analyze the nature of your problem, assuring that it did not result from | Service or Parts Department for a | |
nominal fee. | ||
misapplication or improper use. | ||
How to Contact Customer Ser vice
To contact Customer Service personnel, call:
From outside the United States, call: 814-437-6861
You can commission Conair service personnel to provide
Before You Call ...
If you do have a problem, please complete the following checklist before calling Conair:
❒Make sure you have all model, serial and parts list numbers for your particular equipment. Service personnel will need this information to assist you.
❒Make sure power is supplied to the equipment.
❒Make sure that all connectors and wires within and between control systems and related components have been installed correctly.
❒Check the troubleshooting guide of this manual for a solution.
❒Thoroughly examine the instruction manual(s) for associated equipment, especial- ly controls. Each manual may have its own troubleshooting guide to help you.
❒Check that the equipment has been operated as described in this manual.
❒Check accompanying schematic drawings for information on special considerations.
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