Reference Manual
Rosemount 1154
1.Calibrate the unit per preceding section to output = 4 mA at
2.Calculate correction factor:
0.75 %
1,000 psi
3. Calculate zero adjustment correction in terms of pressure:
0.9 % ×
4. Convert pressure correction to percent of input span:
400 inH2O input span
5. Calculate correction in terms of output span (mA):
6. Add the milliamp correction to the ideal zero output (4 mA). This is the corrected ideal zero output:
4.00 mA – 0.036 = 3.964 mA
7. Calculate
0.9% × 300 inH2O = 2.7 inH2O
8.Repeat step 4 with the results of step 7:
2.7 inH2O
400 inH2O input span
9. Repeat step 5 with the result of step 8:
0.675 % × 16 mA span = 0.108 mA
10. Add the mA correction to the ideal
20.00 mA + 0.108 mA = 20.108 mA
11. Readjust zero and span adjustments for corrected outputs:
3.964 mA at
20.108 mA at 300 inH2O
There is an uncertainty of ±0.5 percent of input reading per 1,000 psi associated with the span correction.
Zero shift with static pressure is not systematic. However, if the calibrated range includes zero differential pressure, the effect can be trimmed out after installation and with the unit at operating pressure.