Kenwood FS620 manual 102

Page 104


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Image 104
Contents ´¸∂w Know your Kenwood food steamer SafetyEnglish Using the rice bowl To use your steamerBoost button Reheat buttonDescaling Care and cleaningService and customer care Poultry and fish Read food safety, page 2, and hints, page 4. vegetablesCooking guides Cereals and grains Nederlands VeiligheidKen uw Kenwood stoompan Gebruik van uw stoompanPlaats de lekbak bovenop het waterreservoir Het gebruik van de rijstkomOnderhoud en reiniging IntensiteitsknopOpwarmknop Tips voor gebruikOnderhoud en klantenservice Het onderstel reinigenOverige onderdelen OntkalkenRichtlijnen voor bereiding Richtlijnen voor bereiding vervolg Vis en gevogelteDoe de mandjes niet te vol GraanproductenFrançais SécuritéUtilisation de la cocotte pour le riz Posez l’égouttoir sur le dessus du réservoir d’eauLes numéros sont marqués sur les poignées des paniers Bouton boost Bouton « réchauffer »Après la cuisson débranchez et nettoyez l’appareil ConseilsService après-vente Entretien et nettoyageNettoyage de la base Les autres partiesTemps de cuisson à la vapeur Temps de cuisson suite Poisson et volailleCéréales et graines Liquide à ajouterDeutsch Wichtige SicherheitshinweiseAbbildungsschlüssel Kenwood Dampfgarer Gebrauch des Kenwood DampfgarersInbetriebnahme Die Körbe auf dem Unterteil stapelnReinigung und Pflege Kundendienst und Service EntkalkungEreignis zuerst eintritt Das Gerät ist jetzt wieder betriebsbereitEier GarzeitenGemüse / Eier Geflügel / Fisch Getreide / ReisItaliano SicurezzaCome usare la vostra pentola per cottura a vapore Genera un segnale acusticoMettere i cestelli sulla base Uso della vaschetta per il risoConsigli Tasto potenziatoreTasto riscaldamento Pulizia e cura dell’apparecchio Manutenzione e assistenza tecnicaPulizia della base Tutti gli altri componentiGuida alla cottura Cereali e farinacei Guida alla cottura continuazionePollame e pesce Português PrecauçõesUtilização da taça para arroz Descrição da panela a vapor da KenwoodUtilização da panela a vapor Deixe espaço entre os pedaços de comida Tecla boost impulsoSugestões Manutenção e limpeza Assistência e cuidados do clienteLimpeza da base As restantes peçasAves e peixe Guia de cozinhaLegumes Guias de cozinha continuação Cereais e grãosEspañol SeguridadUso del bol para arroz Conozca su olla al vapor de alimentos de KenwoodPara usar su olla al vapor Cuidado y limpieza Servicio técnico y atención al cliente DesincrustaciónQue ocurra primero Acople la bandeja antigoteo, una cesta y la tapaderaGuías de cocción Guías de cocción, continuación Aves de corral y pescadoNo sobrecargue las cestas Cereales y granosKend din dampkoger DanskSikkerhed Sådan anvender du dampkogeren Sådan anvender du risskålenBoost-knappen Hvis der trykkes på boost-knappenPasning og rengøring Rengøring af underdelenAlle andre dele KalkfjerningService og kundepleje Vejledende kogetider Vejledende kogetider fortsat Fjerkræ og fiskKom ikke for meget i kurvene Korn- og risprodukterLär känna din ångkokare från Kenwood SvenskaSäkerheten Användning av din ångkokare Använda risskålenBoost-knapp ÅteruppvärmningsknappService och kundtjänst Skötsel och rengöringRengöring av basdelen Övriga delarTillagningstabeller Läs livsmedelssäkerheten på sid och tips på sid . grönsakerRis och gryn Tillagningstabeller, fortsFågel och fisk Bli kjent med Kenwood dampkoker NorskSikkerhetshensyn Bruk av dampkokeren Bruke risbollenHurtigknapp GjenoppvarmingsknappService og kundetjeneste Stell og rengjøringRengjøre grunnenheten Alle andre delerVeiledende koketider Veiledende koketider forts Fisk og fjørfeIkke legg for mye i kurven KornmatSuomi TurvallisuusTutustu Kenwood höyrykeittimeen Höyrykeittimen käyttöRiisikulhon käyttö TehostuspainikePerushuolto UudelleenlämmityspainikeVihjeitä Jätä ruokapalasten väliin raotHuolto ja asiakaspalvelu Uppokeittäminen ValmistusohjeetKeittäminen* tai Valmistusohjeet jatkuu Linnut ja kalaÄlä täytä höyrytysastioita liian täysiksi Viljat ja jyvätTürkçe Güvenlik önlemleriKenwood buharlı pi…iricinizi tanıyınız Buharlı pi…iricinizin kullanımıPirinç çanaòının kullanımı Sepette ya da sepetlerde ba…ka bir …ey pi…irebilirsinizBakım ve temizlik Hızlı ısıtma butonuTekrar ısıtma butonu Faydalı BilgilerServis ve müşteri hizmetleri Kireç temizlemeÖnce gerçekleşirse kireçten temizlenmelidir Cihaz artık kullanıma hazırdırPi…irme önerileri SebzelerTahıllar ve taneli bitkiler Pi…irme önerileri devamKümes hayvanları ve balık Ïesky BezpeïnostPopis parního hrnce Kenwood Postup pou¥ití parního hrnceNaplňte nádobu na vodu, buď Pou¥ití misky na rƒ¥iÚdr¥ba a ïitêní RadyČištění základny Ostatní souïástiServis a údržba KenwoodNávody k va¡ení ZeleninaObilniny a rƒ¥e Návody k va¡ení pokraïováníDrºbe¥ a ryby Magyar Fontos biztonsági elòírásokKenwood ételpároló részei Az ételpároló használataRizsfòzò edény használata Kosárban/kosarakban közben más ételt is párolhatKészülék tisztítása Újramelegítő gombNéhány jó tanács Géptest tisztításaSzerviz és vevőszolgálat AlkatrészekMossa el meleg mosószeres vízzel, majd szárítsa meg Számjelzésû kosaratPárolási idòk ZöldségfélékRizsfélék Párolási idòk folytatásSzárnyasok és halak Polski Bezpieczeæstwo pracyPoznaj swój garnek Kenwooda do gotowania na parze Jak u¯ywaç garnka do gotowania na parze¯ywanie miski na ry¯ Przycisk podwyższania ciśnienia Jeśli wciskasz przyciskPielëgnacja i czyszczenie Obsługa i ochrona konsumenta Wskazówki do gotowania na parze WarzywaWskazówki do gotowania na parze c.d Drób i rybyKasze i produkty zbo¯owe Iloÿç p¢ynuРусский Меры безопасностиПознакомьтесь с пароваркой Kenwood Как пользоваться пароваркойИспользование чаши для риса Кнопка усиленияУход и очистка СоветыЧистка основания Остальные деталиМыльной воде Теперь бытовой прибор готов к работе Обслуживание и забота о покупателяхУдаление накипи Советы по приготовлению пищи ОвощиКаши и крупы Советы по приготовлению пищи продолжениеПтица и рыба Ekkgmij Kenwood ÔÏ Ú˘˙ÈÔ‡ÙÔ Ú‡˙È Â͢ËÚ¤ÙËÛË ÂÏ·ÙÒÓ Page 150 ml 5fl oz 125 ml 4fl oz250 ml 9fl oz 105 «∞ªCU¸ 103 102 ´dw CEE/633/98

FS620 specifications

The Kenwood FS620 is a versatile and compact food processor designed to simplify food preparation. This appliance offers a blend of essential features, innovative technologies, and practical characteristics that cater to both novice cooks and experienced chefs alike.

One of the standout features of the Kenwood FS620 is its powerful motor, which provides efficient processing capabilities. With a robust power output, it can handle a variety of tasks, such as chopping, mixing, and kneading, with ease. This power allows users to prepare ingredients quickly, saving valuable time in the kitchen.

The FS620 comes equipped with a range of attachments that enhance its functionality. It typically includes a plastic bowl with a generous capacity, perfect for mixing large quantities of ingredients. Additionally, the processor includes metal blades for chopping and slicing, a kneading dough tool, and even a whisk for whipping cream or egg whites. This versatility allows users to tackle multiple cooking tasks with just one appliance.

The design of the Kenwood FS620 emphasizes user-friendliness, featuring intuitive controls that make operation straightforward. The buttons are clearly labeled, allowing users to select different functions easily. It also boasts a safety lock feature that ensures the processor operates only when securely assembled, enhancing safety during use.

Kenwood has integrated advanced technologies into the FS620 to maximize its performance. The processor is designed for optimal efficiency, reducing preparation time, and minimizing food waste. Its compact size makes it suitable for kitchens with limited countertop space, while still providing the power and efficiency needed for various cooking tasks.

Another characteristic that adds value to the Kenwood FS620 is its easy cleaning process. Many of the components are dishwasher-safe, making it convenient for users to maintain cleanliness after use. This feature is particularly appealing for those who appreciate hassle-free kitchen appliances.

In summary, the Kenwood FS620 food processor is a reliable kitchen companion, featuring a powerful motor, versatile attachments, user-friendly controls, and advanced technologies. Its capacity to perform multiple functions, combined with a compact design, makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking to streamline their food preparation process. With the Kenwood FS620, home cooks can elevate their culinary experiences effortlessly.