Cooklng Guide
Egg custard % cup milk
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons grated lemon peel H teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt ground nutmeg
Plneapple bread puddlng ‘A cup butter or margarine
1 package (3% ounces) instant vanilla pudding
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 eggs, slightly beaten
3cups milk
1can (8% ounces) crushed pineapple, undrained
‘5%cup flaked coconut
1 teaspoon rum extract (optional)
8 sliis white bread, French bread, or
1 tablespoon
Butterscotch krlsple treats M cup butterscotch pieces
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2% cups miniature marshmallows
2% cups crfsp rice cereal
lrlsh coffee %I cup water
1 rounded teaspoon instant coffee granules
2 teaspoons sugar
2 tablespoons Irish whiskey whipped cream
1.Pour milk into a
2.Pour custard mixture into two buttered 64unca custard cups. Place cups in oven. Cook uncovered 7 to 8 minutes at Cook Power 4 or until set. Remove cups and sprinkle with nutmeg. Set on rack to cool.
Makes 2 servings
1.Melt butter in a 2quart glass measuring cup 45 seconds at HlGH power. Add pudding mix, cinnamon, eggs, milk, undrained pineapple,
coconut and rum extract; blend thoroughly.
2.Fold in bread cubes. Pour mixture into a 2- quart microwavable baking dish. Sprinkle with
Makes 12 servings
1.Combine butterscotch pieces and butter in a 2- quart microwavable glass casserole. Cook uncovered 2 to 3 minutes at Cook Power 7 or until melted. Stir in marshmallows. Cook uncovered 3 to 4% minutes at Cook Power 6 or until marshmallows are softened; stir twice. Blend until smooth.
2.Stir rice cereal into marshmallow mixture. Press into buttered
Makes about 25 squares
1.Combine water, instant coffee. and sugar in an Bounce microwavable coffee cup. Cook uncovered 1 to 1% minutes at HIGH power or until hot.
2.Stir in whiskey and garnish with whipped cream.
Makes about 1 cup