Kenmore 665.1728, 665.1628 Washing Special Items, Material Dishwasher, Stainless Steel, Yes

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The overfill protection float (in the front right corner of the dishwasher tub) keeps the dishwasher from overfilling. It must be in place for the dishwasher to operate.

Check under the float for objects that may keep the protector from moving up or down.



If you have doubts about washing a particular item, check with the manufacturer to see if it is dishwasher safe.


Dishwasher Safe?/Oomments











Handles of some


are attached to


the blade with adhesives which can


loosen if washed in the dishwasher.

Pewter, Brass,






High water temperatures

and detergent


can discolor or pit the finish.







Cannot withstand













Always check




before washing. Plastic


items may vary in their ability to withstand


high temperatures and detergents. It is


recommended that light items such as


lids and butter dishes be placed in the


upper rack only. Sturdy items such as


coolers and high-chair trays may be


placed in the lower rack. When washing


plastic items in the lower rack, it is


recommended that the air dry option be

High water temperature and detergents can affect finish of anodized aluminum.



Stainless Steel




Bottles and Cans


Do not wash throwaway aluminum pans in the dishwasher. These might shift during washing and transfer black marks to dishes and other items.


Sterling Silver or Silver Plate

Run a rinse cycle if not washing immediately. Prolonged contact with food containing salt, vinegar, milk products, or fruit juice can damage finish.


Run a rinse cycle if not washing


Wash bottles and cans by hand. Labels


attached with glue can loosen and clog


the spray arms or pump and reduce


washing performance.

Cast Iron



Seasoning will be removed and iron will






Always check manufacturer's


recommendations before washing.


Antique, hand-painted, or over-the-glaze


patterns may fade. Gold leaf can discolor


or fade.




Check manufacturer's recommendations


before washing. Some types of leaded


crystal can etch with repeated washing.




Gold-colored flatware will discolor.




Milk glass yellows with repeated


dishwasher washing.


Wooden Ware

immediately. Prolonged contact with food containing salt, acid, or sulfide (eggs, mayonnaise, and seafood) can damage finish.


Can rust.


Wash by hand. Always check manufacturer's instructions before

washing. Untreated wood can warp, crack, or lose its finish.


Image 17
Contents 8557692 Protection Agreements Table of ContentsMaintenance Agreements WarrantySears Maintenance Agreement 817WA, Hoffman Estates, ILYour safety and the safety of others are very important Dishwasher SafetyGROUNDmNG mNSTRUCTmONS Parts and Features Zone Model 665.16285, 665.17285 S plit control modelsModel 665.16295 Top control models Start OQuiet operating tips START-UP GuideDishwasher Loading LO z!i!i i i ,iiiiiiiiii¸ ii iii!iiiiill Flexibletines ToreplacethetoprackRepeatontheotherside Top alignment Bottom slotted guide C. Knife holder hooks Knife holderFilling the dispenser Dishwasher USEHardness Rinse aid settingGrains per gallon HardSmart Wash To check water temperaturePots Pans Use both detergent dispenser sectionsQuick Rinse on some models To clear the indicatorsDo not use detergent with this cycle To stop the drainClean Delay Hours/4 Hour DelayHi Temp Wash Sani RinseMaterial Washing Special ItemsMaterial Dishwasher Stainless SteelDishwasher Care Cleaning the interiorTroubleshooting White spots on cookware with nonstick finish Colored deposit etching is a cloudy filmBrown stains on dishes and dishwasher interior Black or gray marks on dishesPage Lavar ARTiCULOS NdiceCUlDADO Contratos Maestros de ProteccibnGaranta Guarde Estas INSTRUCCmONES Seguridad DE LA LavavajillasGuarde Estas Nstrucc Ones Ultra Flow TM Partes Y CaractersticasModelo 665.1629 Modelos con control en la parte superior Modelos665.1628%665.1728Modeloscon controlseparado@@@ DryingclanI!i!!i!!iEiliiLi GUA DE Puesta EN MarchaCanasta superior ajustable de dos posiciones Consejos para el funcionamiento silenciosoCanastilla para utensilios Para sacar la canasta superior Canasta superior removiblePuntas flexibles Para ajustar el lado derechoPortacuchillos Area de lavado Turbozone TMPuntas plegables Para instalar el portacuchillos Para quitar el portacuchillosPara sacar una canastilla pequeha NotasComo Usar LA Lavavajillas Para revisar la temperatura del agua Iiiii3 iiii! ,p,diiiii,eiiiiiiiiii!iil iito ¸Posicibn del agente de enjuague Normal Wash/Lavado normal Use ambas secciones del depbsito de deter- genteUse la seccibn principal del dep6sito de detergente Quick Rinse/Enjuague rapido en algunos modelosLuego del primer minuto de un ciclo Durante el primer minuto de un cicloTurbozone TM wash option Opcibn de lavado Turbozone TM Hi Temp Wash/Lavado a Temperatura AltaLock On/Seguro de los Controles Heated Dry/Secado calientePara activar el seguro Para retrasar el inicioLavable en la lavavajillas? Comentarios Como Lavar Artculos EspecialesMaterial&Lavable en la lavavajillas? Comentarios Limpieza externa Cuidado DE LA LavavajillasPara limpiar la purga de aire del desagie Cbmo guardar la lavavajillas para el veranoOlor en la lavavajillas La lavavajillas no se Ilena de aguaLa lavavajillas pasa mucho tiempo en marcha Manchas blancas en las cacerolas con acabado antiadherente TurbiaMarcas negras o grises en los platos Los platos no quedan bien secos Los platos no estan secosPage Contrats principaux de protection Table DES Matii RESVrification annuelle dentretien prventif sur demande MY-HOMELe contrat dentretien Sears GarantieContrats dentretien Votre scurit et celle des autres est tres importante LA SI Curiti DU LAVE-VAISSELLEConservez CES Nstruct ONS Turbozone TM Ultra WashMod61e 665.1629Modbles a commandes sur le dessus Modbles 665.1628% 665.1728 Modbles a commandes separeesFonctionnement du programme smartwash TM Fonctionnement de roption de lavage Turbozone TMChargement DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Guide DE Mise EN MarchePanier superieur rglable & 2 positions Conseils de fonctionnement silencieuxPanier & ustensiles Pour enlever le panier suprieur Panier suprieur amoviblePour replacer le panier superieur Tiges flexiblesTurbozonetm Zone de lavage Turbozone TMTiges rabattables Porte-couteauxExtraction dun petit partier Pour installer le porte-couteauxUtilisation DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Quantit de dtergent & utiliser Remplissage du distributeurNormale Duret de IeauUtiliser les deux sections du distributeur de dtergent Ne pas utiliser de dtergent avec ce programme de ringage Utiliser la section principale du distributeur de dtergentPour arrter la vidange Pour annuler les indicateursPour dverrouiller les commandes du lave-vaisselle Hi Temp Wash/lavage haute temperatureDelay Hours/4 Hour Delay Lavage diffr/dlai de 4 heures Turbozone TM wash option Option de lavage Turbozone TMSa nitized/assainissement Sur les modules & commandes sur le dessusSur les modules & commandes spares Materiau Lavable Au lave-vaisselle? Commentaires Lavage DARTICLESSPI!CIAUXNon Matriau Lavable Au lave-vaisselle?Depannage Entretien DU LAVE-VAISSELLELa dure Dexcution du programme Le lave-vaisselleTrop IongueBruits Imission de bruits de broyage ou de bourdonnement Marques noires ou grises sur la vaisselleVaisselle pas compltement sche La vaisselle nest pas sche Page SU-HOGAR SM LE-FOYER Mc