Multiquip DCA-600SSV operation manual Terms and Conditions of Sale Parts, Freightpolicy

Page 106

Effective: October 1, 2002



Terms of payment for parts are net 10 days.


All parts orders will be shipped collect or prepaidwiththechargesaddedtotheinvoice. All shipments are F.O.B. point of origin. Multiquip’sresponsibilityceaseswhenasigned manifest has been obtained from the carrier, andanyclaimforshortageordamagemustbe settledbetweentheconsigneeandthecarrier.


TheminimumchargeforordersfromMultiquip is $15.00 net. Customers will be asked for instructions regarding handling of orders not meetingthisrequirement.


Return shipments will be accepted and credit will be allowed, subject to the following provi- sions:

1.A Returned Material Authorization must be approved by Multiquip prior to ship- ment.


alist must be provided to Multiquip Parts Salesthatdefinesitemnumbers,quanti- ties, and descriptions of the items to be returned.

a.The partsnumbers and descriptions must match the current parts price list.

b.The list must be typed or computer generated.

c.The list must state the reason(s) for thereturn.

d.The list must reference the sales order(s)orinvoice(s)underwhichthe items were originally purchased.

e.The list must include the name and phonenumberofthepersonrequest- ing the RMA.

3.A copy of the Return Material Authoriza- tionmustaccompanythereturnshipment.

4.Freight is at the sender’s expense. All parts must be returned freight prepaid to Multiquip’s designated receiving point.

5.Parts must be in new and resalable condition,intheoriginalMultiquippack- age (if any), and with Multiquip part numbers clearly marked.

6.The following items are not returnable:

a.Obsolete parts. (If an item is in the price book and shows as being replaced by another item, it is obsolete.)

b.Any parts with a limited shelf life (such as gaskets, seals, “O” rings, and other rubber parts) that were purchased more than six months prior to the return date.

c.Anylineitemwithanextendeddealer net price of less than $5.00.

d.Special order items.

e.Electrical components.

f.Paint, chemicals, and lubricants.


h.Items purchased in kits.

7.The sender will be notified of any materialreceivedthatisnotacceptable.

8.Such material will be held for five workingdaysfromnotification,pending instructions. If a reply is not received within five days, the material will be returned to the sender at his expense.

9.Creditonreturnedpartswillbeissuedat dealer net price at time of the original purchase,lessa15%restockingcharge.

10.In cases where an item is accepted, for which the original purchase document can not be determined, the price will be basedonthelistpricethatwaseffective twelve months prior to the RMA date.

11.Credit issued will be applied to future purchasesonly.


Prices are subject to change without prior notice.Pricechangesareeffectiveonaspe- cific date and all orders received on or after that date will be billed at the revised price. Rebatesforpricedeclinesandaddedcharges for price increases will not be made for stock on hand at the time of any price change.

Multiquip reserves the right to quote and sell directtoGovernmentagencies,andtoOriginal Equipment Manufacturer accounts who use our products as integral parts of their own products.


A$35.00surchargewillbeaddedtotheinvoice for special handling including bus shipments, insuredparcelpostorincaseswhereMultiquip mustpersonallydeliverthepartstothecarrier.


Multiquip shall not be liable here under for damagesinexcessofthepurchasepriceofthe itemwithrespecttowhichdamagesareclaimed, andinnoeventshallMultiquipbeliableforloss of profit or good will or for any other special, consequentialorincidentaldamages.


Nowarranties,expressorimplied,aremadein connectionwiththesaleofpartsortradeacces- sories nor as to any engine not manufactured byMultiquip.Suchwarrantiesmadeinconnec- tion with the sale of new, complete units are made exclusively by a statement of warranty packaged with such units, and Multiquip nei- ther assumes not authorizes any person to assume for it any other obligation or liability whatever in connection with the sale of its products.Apartfromsuchwrittenstatementof warranty, there are no warranties, express, implied or statutory, which extend beyond the descriptionoftheproductsonthefacehereof.


Image 106
Contents Model DCA-600SSV Proposition 65WARNING Reporting Safety Defects AdministratorTable of Contents Parts Ordering Procedures Ordering parts has never been easierDCA-600SSV Specifications DCA-600SSV Dimensions TOP, Side and Front DimensionsDCA-600SSV Safety Message Alert Symbols Hazard SymbolsDCA-600SSV Safety Message Alert Symbols This generator, other propertyGeneral Safety BurnsDCA-600SSV Rules for Safe Operation Electrical SafetyGenerator Grounding Maintenance Safety Battery SafetyDCA-600SSV Rules for Safe Operation Towing & Transporting SafetyEmergencies Machine Safety Decals DCA-600SSV Generator DecalsDCA-600SSV Generator Decals 16 DCA-600SSV Operation and Parts Manual REV. #0 07/13/09 DCA-600SSV Generator Decals DCA-600SSV Installation Typical Generator Grounding ApplicationOutdoor Installation MountingDCA-600SSV General Information DCA-600SSV Major Components Generator Major ComponentsDCA-600SSV Generator Control Panel Pilot Lamp Indicates that the generator is working properlyLamp will be turned OFF When the circuitDCA-600SSV Generator Control Panel Be turned onDCA-600SSV Engine Operating Panel DCA-600SSV Engine Operating Panel Will stop the engine automaticallyDCA-600SSV Outputterminal Familiarization Output Terminal FamiliarizationDCA-600SSV Output Terminal Panel Familiarization 120VAC Gfci ReceptaclesDCA-600SSV Output Terminal Panel Familiarization Connecting LoadsMaximum Power Output KW Over Current RelayThree Phase Load Single Phase LoadDCA-600SSV- Load Application Maximum Amps Generator OutputVoltagesVoltage Change-Over Board Rated Maximum AmpsAC Ammeter Gauge Reading DCA-600SSV Generator OUTPUTS/GAUGE ReadingACVoltmeter Gauge Reading 3Ø-240V Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages DCA-600SSV Output Terminal Panel ConnectionsUvwo Terminal Output Voltages 1Ø-240V Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages1Ø-480V Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages DCA-600SSV Output Terminal Panel Connections3Ø-480V Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages 1Ø-277V Uvwo Terminal Output VoltagesCircuit Breakers DCA-600SSV SetupLubrication Oil Refueling Refueling ProcedureFuel from the secondary inner 36 DCA-600SSV Operation and Parts Manual REV. #0 07/13/09 Air Cleaner Fan Belt Tension DCA-600SSV- SetupCleaning the Radiator Operation Freezing WeatherWiring BatteryBattery Cable Installation AlternatorDCA-600SSV GEN. START-UP Procedure Manual Generator and Control PanelDCA-600SSV- Generator START-UP Procedure Manual Place the engine speed switch in the LOW position FigureDCA-600SSV- Generator START-UP Procedure Manual Verify that the main circuit breaker on lamp is lit onDCA-600SSV Generator START-UP Procedure Auto Mode Set the engine speed switch to the High positionNormal Shutdown Procedure DCA-600SSV Generator SHUT-DOWN ProcedureEmergency Shutdown Procedure Air Cleaner with Dust Indicator DCA-600SSV MaintenanceAir Cleaner General InspectionCleaning the Fuel Strainer Service DailyCleaning Inside the Fuel Tank Fuel AdditionCheck Oil Level Radiator CleaningAir Removal Replacing Oil FilterBattery Charger & Jacket Water Heater Power Connections To ensure adequate startingDCA-600SSV -TRAILER Brakes Maintenance Tire Wear/Inflation DCA-600SSV -TRAILER MaintenanceTires/Wheels/Lug Nuts SuspensionStart all wheel lug nuts by hand Lug Nut Torque RequirementsLug nuts DCA-600SSV -TRAILER-WIRING Diagram Trailer Wiring Diagram 5-PinDCA-600SSV -TRAILER-WIRING Diagram DCA-600SSV -GENERATORWIRING Diagram Generator Wiring DiagramDCA-600SSV Generator Wiring Diagram Main Breaker Main Circuit Breaker Wiring DiagramDCA-600SSV Enginewiring Diagram DCA-600SSV -TROUBLESHOOTING Engine DCA-600SSV -TROUBLESHOOTING Engine SmoothDCA-600SSV -TROUBLESHOOTING Generator Generator TroubleshootingDCA-600SSV -TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Controller Engine Controller Troubleshooting MpecMethod of Operation DCA-600SSV-TROUBLESHOOTING Diagnostic LampExample Error Code For a complete understandingDCA-600SSV Operation and Parts Manual REV. #0 07/13/09 Sample Parts List DCA-600SSV- Explanation of Code in Remarks ColumnDCA-600SSV w/SA6D170AE-1VOLVO Engine DCA-600SSV Suggested Spare PartsQty Description DCA-600SSV Generator Assy 8171020504 06018423668171020004 8461070002DCA-600SSV Generator ASSY. 0016308095 74313100038461312004 11A 0040008000DCA-600SSV Control BOX Assy 0017108020 C42140016020601806153 C4261506003DCA-600SSV Control BOX ASSY. 7431852104 39-C 00412140007431861113 001710803572 DCA-600SSV Operation and Parts Manual REV. #0 07/13/09 C4214300904 06050105028481814503 0601850349DCA-600SSV Engine and Radiator Assy 0602015241 C49242002840602015240 0602046623DCA-600SSV Engine and Radiator ASSY. 0130404000 01500000180019206025 0130204000DCA-600SSV Engine Operating Panel Assy C4352102203 C44840021020017112030 8085182004DCA-600SSV Outputterminal Assy 7521850504 C42317006037521860504 0010112040DCA-600SSV Outputterminal ASSY. 0017106030 C326160070432-1 0221200150 0601812598DCA-600SSV Battery Assy 0805007804 0168719052C9109100704 0805006504DCA-600SSV Muffler Assy C4334200904 C43311008020019210020 0019210030DCA-600SSV Fueltank Assy 0810105400 C43640022030845500104 0264100505DCA-600SSV Enclosure #1 Assy C4414100204 C44140033023875116304 C4414100304DCA-600SSV Enclosure #1 ASSY. 35C 0041220000 35A 003002000035B 0040020000 C4434200103DCA-600SSV Enclosure #2 Assy 0207106000 C44440013033875151004 C4444000103DCA-600SSV Enclosure #2 ASSY. C4464202503 C446420240342A C4494501604 43A C4494501604DCA-600SSV Enclosure #3 Assy 0042310000 C44542060030019110070 0042410000DCA-600SSV Rubber Seal Assy 0228901670 02292016500228901440 0228901020DCA-600SSV Nameplate and Decals 0800520814 08005201000800520904 0800564004104 DCA-600SSV Operation and Parts Manual REV. #0 07/13/09 0840607104 13206209046360620004 0800615102Terms and Conditions of Sale Parts FreightpolicyDCA-600SSV Operation and Parts Manual REV. #0 07/13/09 Heres HOW to GET Help