The engine controller of this generator diagnoses problems that arise from the engine control system and the engine itself. The malfunction can be determined by examining the flashing pattern of the diagnostic lamp (Figure 79) located in the control box.
Example Error Code 2.
Figure 81 displays the error code for high temp intake.
Figure 81. Error Code High Temperature Intake
Figure 79. Diagnostic Panel
The error code will flash each time the reset button is pressed and released until the problems have been corrected.
Method of Operation
1.Normally, the diagnostic lamp will be dimly lit when the MPEC Control Switch is placed in the MANUAL position.
2.If engine trouble occurs, the diagnostic lamp will be brightly lit as long as the control switch is left in the manual position.
3.The diagnostic lamp will indicate an error code via a flashing pattern on the lamp. This pattern will become visible once the the reset button on the control box has been pushed and released.The error code consists of a series of flashes by the lamp.The error codes are defined as follows:
Example Error Code 1.
Figure 80 displays the error code for low radiator coolant.
Figure 80. Error Code Low Radiator Coolant
4.In a situation where several engine malfunctions occur simultaneously, the code for each malfunction will flash one after another in sucession.
5.After all engine related malfunctions have been diagnosed and corrected, and the generator is operating in a normal maner the following code (Figure 82) should be displayed once the reset button is pressed and released
Figure 82. Normal Operating Code
For a complete understanding of
NOTEerror codes and troubleshooting procedures, refer to the enclosed engine instruction manual.
When the MPEC Control
NOTESwitch is placed in the AUTO position, the same error codes will apply. Codes will not be active until the unit is activated.
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