4. Close all engine enclosure doors (Figure 34).
7.Place the Off/Manual/Auto switch (Figure 38) in the MANUAL position (down). Observe that the engine begins to crank.
Figure 34. Engine Enclosure Doors
Figure 38. Off/Manual/Auto Switch (Manual)
5.Set the battery ON/OFF switch (Figure 35) to the ON position.
8.After engine starts, verify that the "Engine Running" status LED (Figure 39) on the Microprocessor Engine Control Module (MPEC) display is "ON" (lit).
Figure 35. Battery ON/OFF Switch
6.When starting the generator in COLD weather conditions, press and hold the engine preheat button (Figure 36) until the preheat lamp (Figure 37) is lit (ON).
Figure 36. Engine Pre-Heat Button
Figure 39. MPEC Engine Running Status LED
9.The generator's frequency meter (Figure 40) displays the 60 cycle output frequency in HERTZ.
Figure 40. Frequency Meter (Hz)
Figure 37. Engine Pre-Heat Lamp
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