Carbon monoxide.
Can cause severe nausea, fainting, or death.
The exhaust system must be leakproof and routinely inspected.
Carbon monoxide can cause severe nausea,
fainting, or death. Use the following precautions when installing and operating generator set. Carbon monoxide is particularly threatening in that it is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, nonirritating gas. Be especially careful if operating the generator when moored or anchored under calm conditions as gases may accumulate. If operating the set dockside, moor your craft so that the exhaust discharges on the lee side (the side sheltered from the wind), and always be mindful of others— make sure your exhaust is directed away from other boats and occupied buildings. Do not install exhaust outlet where exhaust can be drawn through portholes, vents, or air conditioners. If generator set’s exhaust discharge hole is near to your craft’s water line, DO NOT OVERLOAD CRAFT so as to close or restrict exhaust discharge hole.
Carbon monoxide can cause severe nausea,
fainting, or death. In addition to routine inspection of the exhaust system, a carbon monoxide detector should be considered. Consult your boat builder or marina for installation of approved detectors. It is essential that all detectors be routinely inspected for proper operation.
ii Safety Precautions and Instructions |