Several factors can degrade the sound from even the best loudspeakers in a listening room. One of the most important is the interaction of sound from the loudspeakers with large surfaces such as walls, the fl oor and the ceiling in the room. Even with careful loudspeaker placement and acoustical treatments, there are signifi cant problems that are caused by room acoustics. These include reflections from nearby surfaces and standing waves created between large parallel surfaces in the room. In a home theater, the situation is further complicated because there are several listening locations. The effects of room acoustics on the sound arriving at each person’s ears are very different and the result is a listening experience that is degraded in a different way for each person in the room.
It is not uncommon to have variations in two adjacent seats as large as 10 dB, particularly in the frequency range below 250 Hz.The solution to this problem is to apply room correction after measuring precisely how each loudspeaker interacts with the room. Because the room causes variations in the frequency response of the loudspeakers that are so large from seat to seat, it is important to sample the sound from several locations in the listening room. This should be done even if there is only one listener. Measurement at a single location is not representative of the acoustical problems in the room and will, in most cases, degrade overall performance. Audyssey MultEQ is the only technology able to achieve room correction for multiple listeners in a large listening area. It does so by combining the data collected at several points in the room from each loudspeaker and then applying correction to minimize the acoustical effects of the room and match the frequency resolution of human perception (known as psychoacoustics).
Further, MultEQ correction is applied in frequency and time domains and removes artifacts, such as smearing or modal ringing, sometimes associated with traditional methods of room equalization.
In addition to correcting frequency response problems over a wide listening area, Audyssey MultEQ provides
acompletely automated sound system
It measures the distance to each loudspeaker from the main listening position and adjusts the delays so the sound from each loudspeaker arrives at the same time. Finally, Audyssey MultEQ determines the playback level of each loudspeaker and adjusts the volume trims so all levels are equal.
Manufactured under license from Audyssey Laboratories. U.S. and foreign patents pending. MultEQ is a registered trademark of Audyssey Laboratories.
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