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IBM 000-8697 Switch to the Next Logical Log File, Free a Logical Log File

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Operating OnLine 3-39

Switch to the Next Logical Log File

Youmust explicitly request logical log backups (using the DB-Monitor Auto-
Backup option or its command-line equivalent,tbtape -a) until you restart
continuous logging.
If you press the Interrupt key while a backup is underway, OnLine finishes
the backup and then returns control to you.
Ifyou press the Interrupt key while OnLine is waiting for a log file to fill, the
option is ended immediately.
Switch to the Next Logical Log File
There are two reasons why you might want to switch to the next logical log
file before the current file becomes full:
You must switch to the next logical log file after you create a
blobspace if you intend to insert blobs in the blobspace right away.
Thestatement that creates a blobspace and the statements that insert
blobs into that blobspace must appear in separate logical log files.
This requirement is independent of the logging status of the
You also must switch to the next logical log file if you want to back
up the log file with the status of C or current.
Youmust be logged in as user informix or root to switch to the next available
log file. You can make this change while OnLine is in online mode.
Executetbmode -l (lowercase L) from the command line to switch to the next
available log file. You cannot do this from withinDB-Monitor.
Free a Logical Log File
Alogical log file is considered to be free (status F) when the log file is backed
upand all transactions within the log are closed. Three conditions must exist
before you can free a logical log file:
The log file is backed up to tape.
Allrecords within the log file are associated with closed transactions.
The log file does not contain the most recent checkpoint record.

