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IBM 000-8697 End Continuous Logical Log Backup

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3-38 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide

End Continuous Logical Log Backup

Whenyou initiate Continuous-Backup, OnLine backs up any full logical log
files immediately. Continuous-Backup does not back up the current log
(status C).
If you press the Interrupt key while a backup is under way, OnLine finishes
thebackup and then returns control to you. If OnLine is waiting for a log file
to fill, the option is ended immediately.
If you are logged in as userinformix, you can start the Continuous-Backup
optionfrom within DB-Monitor or from the command line. If you are logged
in as root, you must use the command-line option.
You can start continuous logging in online mode.
From DB-Monitor
Fromwithin DB-Monitor, select the Logical-Logs menu, Continuous-Backup
option to start continuous logging.
When you do so,DB-M onitor executes the tbtape process and an interactive
dialogue is begun on the DB-Monitor screen. You are prompted to mount a
tape on the logical log backup tape device. You are also prompted if an
additional tape is needed.
From the Command Line
Executetbtape -c from the command line to start continuous logging.
Donot start continuous logging from the command line in background mode
(thatis, using the UNIX &operator on the command line). The tbtape process
initiates an interactive dialogue, prompting for new tapes if necessary. It is
easy to miss the prompts and delay the backup process if it is executed in
background mode.
For further information about thetbtape utility, refer to page 7-102.
End Continuous Logical Log Backup
Toend the Continuous-Backup option, press the Interruptkey at the terminal
that is dedicated to the backup.

