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IBM 1400 (2611) Power Switch, Diagnostic Program Diskette

1 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 204
Download on canonical page 204 pages, 2.56 Mb
Power Switch
If the computer cannot be turned off by pressing the power
switch, try pressing it for more than 4 seconds to force the
system to shutdown.
Diagnostic Program Diskette
The Diagnostic Program Diskette (P/N: 09N1020) contains
the PC Doctor diagnostics program. To use PC Doctor,
some test items require some test tools as listed below:
Audio wrap cable (P/N: 65G5180)
Erasable 2HD diskette
Parallel: Wrap plug (P/N: 72X8546)
Parallel: Test cable (P/N: 05K2580)
Serial: Wrap plug (P/N: 72X8546)
PCMCIA: PC test card (P/N: 35G4703)
CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: Any data and audio CDs
Screwdriver kit (P/N: 95F3598)
Screwdriver kit (P/N: 05K4693)
Torque screwdriver (P/N: 05K4695)
5mm socket wrench (P/N: 05K4694)

Running the PC Doctor Diagnostics

Program: To run PC Doctor:
1. Shutdown the computer.
2. Insert the PC Doctor for DOS diskette #1 into the
diskette drive.
3. Turn on the computer.
4. Select the correct model name and test type while the
PC-DOS Startup Menu is shown on the screen:
Generic PC-Doctor DOS Testing
ThinkPad 240 Series
ThinkPad 390E/390X
ThinkPad 570 Series
ThinkPad 600X
ThinkPad i 1400
5. Press Enter and follow the instructions on the screen.

Using the PC Doctor Diagnostics Program:

To use PC Doctor:
1. Press the left and right arrow keys to move around
the main menu; then press Enter to enable the high-
lighted option.
The main options are: Diagnostics, Interactive Tests,
Hardware Info, Utility and Quit.
ThinkPad i Series 1400 (Part II) 135

