Chapter 2 Provisioning
Step by Step Installation and Initial Configuration
*Alternatively you can use an existing FlexLM daemon if one is already running on your system.
Note If you answer no to the following question, you should be able to provide a valid path for your licence file. It is then copied to the /opt/cemf/config/licenses directory.
Do you want to run CEMF Manager's FlexLM daemon [y] [y,n,?] y
Do you have a valid license file to use [y] [y,n,?] y
CEMF Manager Installation
CEMF Manager requires that a valid license is available to the installation program.
Please enter the full name (including path) of the license file
Note You can store the license file anywhere you wish on the host, however, understand that the host will subsequently copy it to the directory listed in the previous step. If you upgrade or update your license file, you must replace the file that is in the above directory. Only one license file can be accommodated at any one time.
CEMF will store its uploaded IOS config files into directory: /opt/cemf/cemfIos/archive/configArchive
Is this directory correct [y] [y,n,?] y
Using </opt/cemf> as the package base directory.
##Processing package information.
##Processing system information.
8 package pathnames are already properly installed.
##Verifying disk space requirements.
Installing CEMF Manager as <CSCOcemfm>
##Installing part 1 of 1. /opt/cemf/Orbix2000/bin/bi2tcl <symbolic link> /opt/cemf/Orbix2000/bin/it_generic_server <symbolic link> /opt/cemf/Orbix2000/bin/itactivator <symbolic link> /opt/cemf/Orbix2000/bin/itadmin <symbolic link>
Cisco Internet OSS for VoIP: Infrastructure Manager Implementation Guide
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