Chapter 2 Provisioning
Step by Step Installation and Initial Configuration
The following steps install the recommended Patch Cluster that has been downloaded to the /opt/patches directory (create this directory first) on the Cisco PTC machine.
Step 1 Go to the /opt directory:
Step 2 Create the patches directory:
ptc-tme# mkdir patches
Step 3 Go to the /patches directory:
ptc-tme# cd patches
Step 4 List the contents of the patches directory:
Step 5 Unzip the contents of the Patch Cluster:
Archive: 8_Recommended.zip creating: 8_Recommended/
inflating: 8_Recommended/CLUSTER_README
inflating: 8_Recommended/copyright
inflating: 8_Recommended/install_cluster
output | ? |
inflating: 8_Recommended/109007- 07/SUNWesu/install/patch_checkinstall
Step 6 List the contents of the patches directory again:
8_Recommended 8_Recommended.zip
Step 7 Go to the 8_Recommended directory:
Step 8 Install the contents of the Patch Cluster:
cnote-tme# ./install_cluster
Patch cluster install script for Solaris 8 Recommended
Cisco Internet OSS for VoIP: Infrastructure Manager Implementation Guide
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