This chapter contains information that you need to install and set up the Switch. It covers the following topics:
■Important Safety Information
■Positioning the Switch
■Supplying Power to the Switch
■Using SFP Tranceivers
■Performing Spot Checks
Important Safety Information
Please refer to the safety information found in the 3Com Switch Family Safety and Regulatory Information manual included with this product. You can find the 3Com Switch Family Safety and Regulatory Information manual on the product
Informações Importantes de Segurança
Por favor, antes de manusear o produto, leia cuidadosamente as instruções de segurança encontradas no Manual 3Com Switch Family Safety and Regulatory
Information (Translation for this would be: Informações de Segurança e Regulatórias da Famila de Switches 3Com) incluido no produto. Este manual pode ser encontrado no
Viktig säkerhets information
Vänligen hänför till säkerhets informationen som är inkluderad med denna produkt i 3Com Switch Family Safety and Regulatory Information manualen. Du kan hitta denna manual på den
Importantes informations de securité
Veuillez consulter les informations de securité qui se trouvent dans le manuel suivant 3Com Switch Family Safety and Regulatory Information
Wichtige Sicherheits Informationen
Bitte wenden Sie sich an die Sicherheitsinformationen in der 3Com Switch Family Safety and Regulatory Information Anleitung die mit diesem Produkt