Chapter 3: Using your interactive
whiteboard system
Usingyour projector 11
Usingyour remote control 11
Replacingthe remotec ontrolbattery 12
Usingthe remote control buttons 13
Adjustingprojector settings 14
Focusingthe image 21
Adjustingthe image 21
Projectorconnectiondiagram 22
Usingyour interactive whiteboard 24
Usingthe Ext endedControl Panel(EC P) 24
Usingthe RC A connectorpod 26
Usingthe laptop computer harness 26
Usingthe SMARTGoWire cable 27
Thischapter describes the basic operationof your interactive whiteboardsyst em andexplains how to
setup your remote control, retrievesys tem information,access theprojector’s imageadjustment
optionsand integrateyour interactive whiteboardsys tem with peripheraldevices.

Using your projector

Thissect ionexplains how to use your projector andits includedremotecontrol.

Usingyour remote control

Theprojectorremote control enablesyou to acc ess on-screenprojector menusand change projector

Chapter 3