Appendix A: Remotely managing your systemthrough a network interface
Webpage management 59
Accessingw ebpage management 59
Home 60
Controlpanel 60
USB Controlsettings 63
Networks ettings 63
E-mailalerts 65
Passwordsettings 65
SimpleNetwork ManagementProtocol (SNMP) 66
Thisappendix includesdetailed instructions on how to remotely manageyour SMARTBoard800ix
interactivewhiteboards ystem settingst hrougha networkinterface.

Web page management

Youcan access advanced setup features via the projector’sweb page. This web pageenables you to
managetheprojector from a remotelocation using any computer connectedto y ourintranet.
Toaccess the web page,your browsermust support JavaScript. Most commonlyused browsers
likeInternetExplorer®and Firefox® support JavaScript.

Accessingweb pagemanagement

Beforeyou can access the web page, you must connect the network cable to yourprojector (see the
Projectorconnectiondiagram on page 22).W henyou first connectyour projectorto a network, anIP
addressappearson the on-screendisplay.

Appendix A