The # column represents the phone number index, the phone number column displays the inbound phone number assigned to the specific index, and the CT column displays what call type the specific index is configured for, analog or digital.
Menu Option 6 Mapping inbound phone numbers to reserved pools
The Dual T1/PRI provides 12 pool IDs. These pools allow for greater flexibility in terms of the number of services that can be offered to callers.
In order for this option to function properly, the modem routing method (configured through the card configuration menu’s option 6) can not be configured for fixed assignment.
For every pool ID, two options need to be configured:
■Inbound Phone Number
Assigns a phone number to the ID.
■Pool Type
Configures the Pool for what types of calls will be handled (analog, digital, or both analog and digital).
Use the following syntax to assign an inbound phone number to a pool ID:
ID = pool Id
P# = inbound phone number
This facility allows more than one DNIS to map to a single DNIS pool.
Now, two wild cards are allowed in DNIS:
■“*” for zero and more digits
■“x(X)” for one digit
Wild cards are present only at the end of the DNIS. “*” and “x(X)” can not