Configuring Inbound Call Routing
Use the following syntax to assign a pool type to a pool ID:
ID = pool ID
PT = pool type (analog, digital, both, none, or clear (clears pool type and inbound phone #))
CAUTION: Changing pool types will trigger an automatic update to
Menu Option 7 Mapping chassis modem channels to reserved pools
Once the pool IDs are configured, they must be mapped to modem channels. This option allows you to do this.
Use the following syntax to assign a pool ID to a modem channel:
ID:MID (for single assignments)
ID = pool ID (or N (none))
MID = modem channel ID
Menu Option 8 Mapping digital reserved pools to chassis Gateways
Once the digital Pool IDs are configured, they must be mapped to chassis gateways. This option allows you to do this.
Use the following syntax to assign a pool ID to a chassis gateway:
ID:G# (for single assignments)
ID = pool ID (or N (none))
G# = chassis slot (index) where gateway is installed