Convection Roasting Recom-endations(Models S156 and $161 Only)
• Tender cuts of meatand poultry can beroastedto a rich golden brown
inthe convectionoven,Follow generalrecommendationsforroasting.
Referto convectionmeatroastingchart forrecommendedcookingtempera-
ture and time.The chart canserve as a guide to help planmealserving
Minutesperpound willvary accordingto the size,shape,quality, and initial
temperatureof meat,as wellas the electrical voltage in yourarea. Times
arebasedon refrigeratorcoldmeat.
A large cut of meat will usually require fewer minutes per pound to roast
thana smallercut of meat.
• Donot use a roastingpanwith highsides;usepanprovidedwithoven.
Do notcover meat. Allow the circulatinghot air to surroundthe meat and
sealinthe juices.
Sincethe breast meaton a large turkey cooks morequicklythan thethigh
area,placea "foilcap"overthe breastareaafterdesiredbrownnessisreached
to preventoverbrowning.(Seeabovephoto.)
A stuffed turkey will require an extra 30 to 60 minutesdepending on size.
Stuffingshouldreachan internaltemperatureof 165°F.
Convection Roasting: Frozen to Finish
Meats (except poultry)may beroastedfrozen to finish.Follow these guidelines
Usetemperaturesfor roasting freshmeatsasrecommendedby most cook-
books.Generally,mostmeats are roastedat 325°F. For bestresults do not
imateguidesforroastingfrozen meats.Roastingtimeswill varydueto factors
such as coldnessofmeat, size, quality,or cut.In general,roasting times
for frozen to finish in the convection oven will be approximatelythe same
asfreshto finishin a radiant bakeoven.
Theguidelinesgivenforroasting freshmeatsinthe convectionoven also
applyto roastingfrozen meats.
• Insertmeatthermometermidwayduring thecooking process.