Surface Controls

The variable heat controls for the cooktop cartridges and grill element provide flexibil- ity in heat setting selection.

To Set Controls

Since the controls ere a push-turntype, they must be pushed down before turning. To set (fromthe OFF position),push downon control knob and turn in eitherdirection to desired heatsetting.

When control is in any position,other than OFF, it may be turned in any direction withoutpushingdown.

A red indicator light will glow when s surface heatingelement is ON. There are two indicator lights,one for the heating elements on the left side of the range, one for the heatingelementson the right side of the range.

1, 2.

Control Loeations

1. Left rear heating element (rear Energy-Saver)

2.Left front heating element (front Energy-Saver)

3.Right front heating element (front Energy-Saver)

4. Right rear heating element (rear Energy-Saver)


Noteel_ endS161Mode_ The"Energy-Savegrfl["element(aboveright)permitsutiliz,ingonlyhalf

ofthegrillarea,ifdesired,or usingdifferent_at settingsforthefrontandrearpositionoftheelement. Whenusingthiselement,bothcooktopcontrolsf,rontandrear,mustbe turnedon in orderto use

thefull grlgarea.

NoteS136Mocki: Onlytheleftrearor rightfrontcontrolsmustbeturnedonto usethefullgrill.

Suggested Control Settings

The size and type of cookwareand the amount and type of food beingcooked will influence the settingneeded for best cooking results.Electricalvoltage may also vary; this will affect the needed control setting.The setting indicated shouldserveas a guide while you become familiarwith your range.


A fast heat to start cooking quick_y,to bring liquidsto a boil, to preheat oil for deep


fat frying.Use for most grilling.

7-10 (MediumHigh)For fastfrying or browningfoods,to maintainrapidboilof largeamounts of food,to maintainoiltemperaturefor deepfat frying.

5-6 (Medium) For foods cooked in a double boiler, sauteing, slow boil of large amounts of food, end mostfrying.

3-4 (Medium Lo) To continuecookingfoodsstartedon highersettings.

LO-2 Maintainingservingtemperaturesof foods,simmeringfoods,meltingbutteror chocolate.

The heat controls offer flexibility in heat setting selection. On settings other than HI, you may adjust the controls above or below the numberedsetting for best results. This applies to settingswhen usingcooktopcartridgesor whenusingthe grill or any of the grillaccessories. Suggestedsettingsere providedas generalguidelines,

Cleaning and Removing Control Knobs

To remove knobs, turn to OFF posit)on, Wash knobs Jnwarm soapy water or dishwasher; do not use abrasivecleansersor materials,TO replace knobs,matchflat part of knob opening with the springon the shaft, returningin OFF position.


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888 Digital S161, S156, S136 manual Surface Controls, To Set Controls, Control Loeations, Suggested Control Settings