Conve_tion Baking of Frozen Convenlenee
Foods (Models $156 and $161 Only)
•Preheatingthe oven is not necessary.
•Followpackagerecommendatior_fors oven temperature,foil coveringand use of cookiesheets.Bakingtimeswill be similar.See chart belowfor someexcep- tionsand examples.
•Center foods in the oven. If more than one food item is being baked or if foodsarebeingbakedon multipleracks,staggerfoodsfor properair circulation.
•Mostfoodsarebakedon rackposition#3o.
•For multiple rackbaking,use racks#1, 3o and 4. However,pizzasshould be placedon cookiesheetsand bakedon rackposition#2o, 3 and 4.
Here are a few examples of dines and temperatures: