Console Redirection
The screen below appears when you select the Console Redirection parameter from the Devices and I/O Ports screen:
Parameter | Description | Option |
Console | Enables or disables the BIOS console |
Redirection | redirection during system boot up. It |
| utilizes a null modem that allows you |
| to remotely monitor and analyze a |
| server condition, update system BIOS |
| settings and quickly restore the system |
| to normal operation via local site or |
| remote console. |
| Console redirection aims to maximize |
| server uptime, bring the benefit of |
| higher productivity and lower server |
| ownership costs. |
| The control keys for remote station |
| management are listed on page 65. |
Connection | Supports null modem connection via | Null Modem |
over | serial port. |
Serial Port | Selects the serial port to be used for | COM1 |
| connecting to the console. | Disabled |