DuraLAN Fast Ethernet NICs User’s Guide

Understanding the Status Tab

Figure 8-16. Status Tab Fields

Field Descriptions

aModel Adaptec DuraLAN NIC model number.
bPort No. Port identification assigned by the system.

cTrans Kbps Total Kilobits per second (Kbps) transmitted per port

(stand-alone and group). The Kbps sum of
aggregated ports in a group equals the total Kbps
transmitted by their group.
dLoad The percent ag e of tr ansmit load car rie d b y each po rt
in a group. The percentage of a stand-alone port is
always 100%. The percentage for a group is
calc ulated a s a percentage of bytes transm itted by
the port over byte s transm itted by the group during
the last screen refresh interval.

eStatus If t he link is up and has transmitted data within the

last screen refresh interval, ACTIVE is displayed.
If the link is up but the port has not transmitted any
data within the time interval, IDLE is displayed.
If the link is down, DOWN is displayed.