ADCP-96-015 • Issue 1 • July 2004

5.Back out the two 2-inch long 6-32 screws that secure the two clamps and cover plate to the cabinet.

6.Assemble the clamps (and grommet if required) on the cable as shown in Figure 21 and then secure the cable to cabinet at the clamping position selected in step 4.












Figure 21. Cable Clamp Assembly for Distribution Cable

7.If a grounding kit was installed on the cable, attach the cable grounding lead to one of the grounding studs located within the cabinet (see Figure 13).

8.Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each additional distribution cable.

9.From the cable clamping location, route the first six distribution cable fiber subunits up the right side of the cabinet as shown in Figure 22.

10.Secure the subunits to the panel on the right side of the cabinet using the tie points provided.

11.Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the four screws that secure the handle assembly to the back of connector panel #1 (top panel) as shown in Figure 23. Save each screw for reuse.

12.Remove the handle assembly from the back of connector panel #1.

13.Route the first six fiber subunits across the back of connector panel #1 to splice trays 1–6 located on the left side of the cabinet.

Note: The splice trays are numbered 1 through 30 starting with the top splice tray in connector panel #1. Route all distribution cable fibers to the splice trays starting with the top tray and working towards the bottom tray.

14.Secure each fiber subunit to the back of the connector panel using the tie points indicated in Figure 22.

15.Use the same basic procedure specified in steps 8 through 14 for routing the remaining distribution cable fiber subunits to the remaining distribution cable splice trays. Repeat the routing process until every fiber subunit is routed to a splice tray.

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© 2004, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.