"UniVert 2" inverter
1.3Danger during Maintenance and Repair Work
The voltages applied to the INV can be fatal. Prior to
Considerable damage can be caused to equipment if unsuitable replacement parts are used during repair work, if work is carried out by unauthorised personnel, or the safety regulations are not observed.
i Only trained and qualified personnel may work on or in the vicinity of the INV (refer to chapter 1.4) while strictly observing the safety regulations.
1.4Qualified Personnel
The inverter system may only be transported, installed, connected, started up, serviced and operated by qualified personnel who are familiar with the pertinent safety and installation regulations. All work performed must be inspected by responsible experts.
The qualified personnel must be authorised by the responsible safety officer of the installation to perform the work required.
Qualified personnel is defined as personnel
•having completed training and gained experience in the respective field,
•familiar with the pertinent standards, rules and regulations and accident prevention regulations,
•having received instruction on the mode of operation and operating conditions of the inverter system,
•capable of recognising and preventing dangers.
Regulations and definitions for qualified personnel can be found in
DIN 57105/VDE 0105, Part 1.
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