power supply impedance at the load at high frequencies. However, the capacitor must be chosen with care if power supply oscillation is to be avoided, since any capacitor resonances or other tendency toward high impedance within or near the bandpass of the power supply regulator will reduce loop stability. It is therefore common in extreme remote sensing applications to remove Co from the power supply and use it as Co'.
Proper Current Limit Operation
Check for proper current limiting operation while the power supply is connected in the system for remote sensing. With some power supply designs, the resistance of one of the current carrying leads adds to the resistance used for current limit monitoring, thereby reducing the threshold value at which current limiting begins. The current limit value should not change significantly while shorting
The extension of the preceding single power supply concepts to
Figure 53. Load Connections for Multiple Power Supplies
DC Distribution Terminals
There must be only one point of connection between the dc outputs of any two power supplies in the multiple