Chapter 11 223
Peripheral Devices
N5102A Digital Signal Interface Module
Figure11-12 Data Setup Softkey Menu with Parallel Port Configuration
2. If a real-time modulation format is being used, press the Data Type softkey. (This softkey is inactive
when an ARB modulation format is turned on.)
In this menu, select whether the real-time baseband data from the signal generat or is either
filtered (Samples) or unfiltered (Pre-FIR Sampl es). The selection depends on the test needs. The Samples
selection provides FIR filtered baseband samples based on the communication standard of the
active modulation format. This is the preset selection and the one most commonly used. However
if the device being tested already incorporates FIR filters, the Pre-FIR Samples selection should be
used to avoid double filtering.
3. Select the data type that is appropriate for the test.
4. Press the Numeric Format softkey.
From this menu, select how the binary values are represented. Selecting 2’s complement allows
both positive and negative data values. Use the Offset Binary selection when components cannot
process negative values.
5. Select the numeric format required for the test.
Inactive for a serial port
Frame polarity is active
for a serial port configuration
Inactive for ARB formats
Inactive for word
size = 16 bits