
System Message Table

Please Unlock SD Card
Please Change Batteries
No Files To Play
The camera is recording a file.
If you insert a SD card and the card is set to "Protected",
this message will show up when the camera tries to write
data into the card.
The camera is under the status of low power. You should
change the batteries immediately.
When the camera is set to Playback or MP3 mode without
any existing file to play, this message will show up.
Memory Error
Strobe Is Charging
File Format Error
File Is Locked
The camera can not access data in the internal memory.
Please format the media to solve this problem.
The flash strobe is charging.
The file being played is not compatible with the camera.
The camera is performing file deletion.
The camera is formatting the storage media.
The current file is locked and can not be deleted.
The current file is being locked to protect it from deletion.
The current file is being unlocked.
Setting The camera is performing a setting action.
Memory Full The storage memory is full and can not store any more files.
Please change the SD/MMC card or delete some files to
free some memory space.
Card Error The inserted card is not compatible with the camera. Please
change the card or try formatting the card.