| Features in |
| 83 | ||||
CR | Module | Level | Description | AR400 | AR7x5 | AR7x0S |
| Rapier i | AT8800- |
| x90048- | ||||
CR00014172 | BOOTP | - | This enhancement enables you to associate a BOOTP relay destination with a | Y | Y | Y |
| Y | Y | Y |
| Y | Y | Y | Y |
| given interface. To do this, use the new optional interface parameter in the |
| command: |
| ADD BOOTp RELAy=ipadd INTerface=interface |
| BOOTP packets received on this interface are relayed to the specified relay |
| destination only. You can define the same interface for multiple relay |
| destinations; the router or switch relays any BOOTP packets received to each relay |
| destination. |
| If you do not specify an interface, the destination becomes a “generic” |
| destination. If the router or switch receives a BOOTP message on an interface for |
| which no specific destination is defined, the router or switch relays the message |
| to all generic destinations. This is the same as the behaviour prior to this |
| enhancement. |
| To remove a destination that is associated with an interface, use the command: |
| DELete BOOTp RELAy=ipadd INTerface=interface |
| To see the interfaces that each destination is associated with, use the |
| command: |
| SHow BOOTp RELAy |
CR00014238 | DHCP | - | DHCP snooping records its client database into a file in NVS (if possible) or Flash | – | – | – |
| Y | Y | Y |
| Y | Y | Y | – |
| Snooping |
| memory. In previous versions, that file was named bindings.dsn. From this |
| version, the file structure has changed and the file is now named bind0002.dsn. |
| When you upgrade a switch to this version, the switch creates the new client |
| database file 10 seconds after initialising the new version. After that, you can |
| safely delete the old bindings.dns file, if desired. |
| Note that the functionality of DHCP snooping has not changed, only the |
| filename. |