POEGEM12T2SFP User Manual
3-11. VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network)
The POEGEM12T2SFP supports both 802.1q Tagged based VLAN’s and Port-based VLAN’s. VLAN’s are used to logically separate your network into smaller more defined networks. VLAN’s help to reduce broadcast traffic across your network as all broadcast traffic will be limited to the VLAN group in which it belongs. A typical example of where a VLAN could be used is in a school environment where the teacher and student networks must be kept separate. The switch supports up to 256 active VLAN entries and a VLAN ID ranging from 1 – 4096.
3-11-1. VLAN Mode
Fig. 3-32
Function name: VLAN Mode
Function description:
The POEGEM12T2SFP supports 5 different VLAN modes including, Port-Based, Tag- based, Metro Mode, Double-tag and Disabled. Select the desired VLAN mode from the drop down box and click the Apply button. Changes will take effect immediately.
Default: Disable
Parameters description:
When set to disable, VLAN’s will not be used on the switch.
Port-based VLAN’s are as it states defined by each port. Ports are configured into logical groups allowing data to be sent to and from any port that belongs to a particular group. If a port belongs to VLAN group 1 and another port belongs to VLAN group 2 these ports will not be able to communicate with each other. Ports that belong to the same group can communicate. Ports can also belong to multiple groups for example, allowing an internet connection to be shared among
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