118 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricStor
If the password is entered incorrectly three times, GXCC will be started in Observe mode
(but only if no password protection has been set for Observe mode).

5.3.11 Software updates

If you have contacted a “remote” CentricStor system, the InfoBroker checks whether its
system contains more recent versions of GXCC and XTCC.
If required you will then be informed via a window that the InfoBroker has more recent
versions. When you acknowledge this message, the newer version is passed to your local
system and saved (under Windows the user must be logged on as the administrator to
permit this).
The next time GXCC is started in Service mode, the current versions of GXCC and XTCC
can be activated independently of each other.
Problem-free operation of CentricStor and the user interface is guaranteed for all combina-
tions of the InfoBroker and GXCC/XTCC software of a CentricStor line. All the functions of
the interface will only be available with the most up-to-date versions.