U41117-J-Z125-7-76 211
GXCC Function bar Logical Volume Operations » Add Logical Volumes
This function is not available in Observe mode.
Input parameters
Enter the following information in the dialog window:
Volume Serial Number
Name of the logical volume (VSN or VOLSER). Any combination consisting of a
maximum of 6 characters. The following are permitted:
Alphabetic characters in upper case.
The special characters #, $, @, _, %, +, - (the plus and minus characters may not
be the first).
Numbers: The end of the name must contain as many numbers as can be added in
view of the value specified in <Number of Volumes>. For more information refer to
the section “Logical Volume Operations » Change Volume Group” on page 209.
The volume serial number must be unique in the entire CentricStor network.
Depending on the system fonts selected, the letter “O” may be extremely difficult
to distinguish from the digit “0” when LV names are displayed on the graphical
user interface. It is consequently advisable not to use the letter “O” in LV names.
This prevents confusion later.
Logical Volume Group
Here you specify the logical volume group to which the new volumes belong. The logical
volume groups set up in the VLM are listed. The BASE group is always set up.
Number of Volumes
Name range of the volumes that are to be added. The Volume Serial Number specified
in the first line must possess enough numbers at the end to ensure that, starting from
the entered name, the number selected in the “Number of Volumes” selection field can
be reached.