374 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
The SCSI devices are represented in the normal way as
c (=controller) <cc>t(=target)<tt>l(=Lun)<ll>, where cc, tt, ll are shown as decimal
cc specifies the controller number in the ISP.
tt target number in the form of a decimal number. With components connected via
Fibre Channel, the path is coded in this number. This is described in more detail
in the next section.
ll Logical Unit Number of the component.
Coding the Fibre Channel path
If a binary representation is being used and the highest-order bit is set, the connection is
via the fabric protocol. If this bit is not set, an arbitrated loop connection is being used.
The following bits, as shown below, display the number of the switch and the number of the
second line of the list: t162 ICP2
In binary representation, the target number is:
b’1010 0010’
In the example, the redundant connection runs over ICP2 (tt = X’92’) to switch number 1
using the same port number.

1 010 0010

Port number on the FC switch
Region (number of the switch)
1 = Fabric, 0 = Arbitrated Loop