U41117-J-Z125-7-76 447
Explanation of console messages Message lines
4. Check whether the mirror server’s processes are running:
myps mirror.s
Sample output
? 922 1 ? ? ? ? /etc/mirrord/mirror.client
? 5179 5177 ? ? ? ? /etc/mirrord/mirror.server
? 5177 1 ? ? ? ? /etc/mirrord/mirror.server
In the mirror server’s event log (/etc/mirrord/ms.event file) there is an entry with
the message “ASSUMING role PRIMARY”.
Example: s.event:
1110 152018.18 MS: ASSUMING role PRIMARY (1, 1) 1110 152018.22 MS:
5. Start the Message Manager for the display on the GUI:
/usr/apc/broker/mycu -w "class mir public /usr/apc/broker/mir_mgr"
The switchover to multi-user mode is then continued.

9.2.2 SXCH... (Channel: pcib/pcea)

SXCH001 channel (linkad <link>) has invalid node_id: mfr='<mfr>'
A host with the unknown ID <mfr> is connected to the channel at address <link>. The host
is not supported.
SXCH002 ESCON-ad pcea<port> (bus <pci-bus> dev <pci-device>) failed
Owing to a fault the ESCON port <port> is no longer available. This fault can be in the
PCEAS controller or a cable fault (e.g. connector pulled out).
Notify maintenance staff.
SXCH003 ESCON-ad pcea<port> (bus <pci-bus> dev <pci-device>) stopped
The ESCON port <port> has been deactivated. This deactivatation can be the result of a
board or port being reset.