U41117-J-Z125-7-76 297
Global Status History data

7.6.3 Data which can be called via objects of the Global Status

The chronological progress and statistical data can be displayed via some Global Status
objects. To do this position the mouse cursor over the object. If data is present for the object,
this is indicated by a blue border or the device designation is colored blue. If you press the
right mouse button a context menu with the menu item “Show Statistics” is opened.
If you select the “Show Statistics” function an empty statistics window opens in which you
can enter the required time specifications, as described in the section “Selecting the time
period” on page 262. After you have clicked on the “Redraw” button the statistics graph is
Detailed information on this subject is provided in the section “History diagrams” on
page 298.
Right mouse button: A
menu appears which
contains the function“Show
Left mouse button:
Device information is
Blue device designation
Blue border