U41117-J-Z125-7-76 95
Operating and monitoring CentricStor Starting GXCC
The GUI software must be installed explicitly on the workstation for operation of
GXCC outside CentricStor. A CD with GXCC (GUI CD) is provided free with
each CentricStor. GXCC can be installed an unlimited number of times to run
CentricStor. It will run on Windows 98/NT/2000/XP, LINUX, SOLARIS and
SINIX-Z systems.

5.3 Starting GXCC

5.3.1 Differences to earlier CentricStor versions

In CentricStor V3.0 the name of the interface had already been changed from
“GXTCC” to “GXCC”. Furthermore, Service mode is now started by the start
parameter “-service” (previously “-modify”). The access point (mostly VLP) is
selected via “-unit” (previously “-host”).
For compatibility reasons the call for GXCC and the previous start parameters will continue
to function. However, you are urgently recommended to adapt all the settings to the new
names as soon as possible.

5.3.2 Command line

GXCC is called from the remote operator console or the CentricStor console via the Root
menu. On auxiliary operator consoles a command line is entered. A number of runtime
parameters can or must be entered with this command line.
If GXCC is to be started from a graphical interface, this command line must be entered
when configuring the interface function (see section “Starting from a Windows system via
Exceed” on page 105, for example, or section “Starting from a Windows/NT system via
XVision” on page 108).
The command line has the following format:
/usr/apc/bin/GXCC <options as per table below> [&]
Example of a GXCC call:
/usr/apc/bin/GXCC -user -display &
The start parameter settings are also transferred to the Global Status monitor.