U41117-J-Z125-7-76 123
GXCC Main window
–Scan rate
Interval between scans in seconds.
–Bit rate
The floating point number shows the bit rate for communication with the InfoBroker. The
rate is calculated using the length of time taken to transfer a status information package.
This indicator is of particular interest in the case of a modem connection.
Operating system of the host to be monitored
GXCC version
The GXCC version is shown in the last field. Function buttons and displays in the button bar
This area with color highlighting contains the following function buttons:
Symbols indicating special operating states appear as required to the right of the function
buttons. If you rest the mouse cursor over an icon the associated message is displayed in
a text bubble.
The GXCC logo at the right-hand end of the bar indicates a scan process by pulsating.
In the case of a scan process the system only checks whether there are status
changes in CentricStor; only approx. 20 bytes are transferred. Only if there are
really status changes in CentricStor is the status data fetched. This process can be
recognized by the word “Autoscan” at the lower edge of the screen changing color
to yellow. System information
The following system information is displayed in the right-hand part of the screen, above the
information field:
customer name (set during “Options”)
system name (set during “Configuration “System Name”)
date and time
Starts Global Status
Opens a window with
console messages
(Only for Windows) Opens
printer menu for hardcopy
Terminates GXCC Configuration errors
Logo, pulsates during scan
SNMP trap
Configuration change to display outstanding
configuration modifications