124 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Main window GXCC Console messages
Console messages are displayed above the footer. These can be:
system messages
messages relating to the system configuration
messages relating to the connection between GXCC and the system
The last messsage is always displayed. You obtain the complete message log by clicking
on the relevant function button (see the section “Function buttons and displays in the button
bar” on page 123).
By clicking on the button to the left of the print line you acknowledge that you have read it.
The button then disappears (only in your GXCC) and reappears with the next output. The
message color changes to black.
In some cases you will see the text
in the message line. This is not an error message but merely indicates that no message has
arrived since the GXCC has been connected to the unit selection.
The message line
indicates the the connection to the InfoBroker has in the meantime been interrupted and
restored. Function bar
The functions which can be accessed via the function bar are described in the section
“Function bar” on page 143.