U41117-J-Z125-7-76 25
CentricStor - Virtual Tape Library The CentricStor principle
As soon as a mount job is issued, the Library Manager checks whether the requested
volume is already in the disk cache. If so, the volume is immediately released for processing
by the application. If not, CentricStor requests the corresponding cartridge to be mounted
onto a physical drive, and reads the logical volume into the disk cache.
CentricStor thus operates as a very large, extremely powerful, highly intelligent data buffer
between the host level and the real archive system.
It offers the following advantages:
removal of device bottlenecks through virtualization
transparency to the host thanks to the retention of interfaces unchanged
support for future technologies by isolating the host from the archive system
CentricStor thus provides a long-term, cost-effective basis for modern storage