518 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Message lines Explanation of console messages
SXVL006 VLM(# 6): ERROR: volume ??? set to 'Faulty' (???)
This error can have a number of different causes. It is usually caused by problems
accessing the DTV filesystem. Further details can be found in the logging information.
The logical volume can be reset using the XTCC function “Reset Logical Volume”. However,
you should first check the cause as it may then be necessary to check the data on the
SXVL007 VLM(# 7): ERROR: Mount: <ldxx> on <icpyy> not reachable: <errormsg> (<errno>)
SXVL007 VLM(# 8): ERROR: Unload: <ldxx> on <icpyy> not reachable: <errormsg> (<errno>)
The VLM cannot access the logical drive <ldxx>.
Notify maintenance staff.
SXVL009 VLM(# 9): ALERT: no database file found, aborted, see log for details
The VLM has not found a data maintenance file but, instead, a backup data maintenance
system. It is possible that the file system containing the data maintenance system is not
Notify maintenance staff.
SXVL010 VLM(#10): WARNING: too many open files in cache ???, mount of volume ??? queued
The mount job for a logical volume has been queued because no more files can be opened
in the cache filesystem. This error may occur, for example, if the configuration is incorrect:
maximum number of files that can be opened in the TVC is too small.
In unfavorable instances, this behavior may be normal, for example:
– The mount jobs are distributed unequally to the individual caches.
– The reorganization of physical tapes requires too many restore jobs.
SXVL011 VLM(#11): ERROR: Mount: mount server on <icpyy> not reachable: <errmsg> (errno)
SXVL012 VLM(#12): ERROR: Unload: mount server on <icpyy> not reachable: <errmsg> (errno)
The VLM cannot access the mount server on the ICP <icpyy>.
Notify maintenance staff.