538 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Message complexes Explanation of console messages

9.3 Message complexes

9.3.1 Timeout on the RAID disk array

SXSB007 fcpal0 (sadm12): timeout on target <t> lun <l> CDB ....F C0 00 01 80 00
0007b790: fc_send_fcp: FCP_ABORT...
0007b790: response: error = 0x03, vendor = 0x16, expl = 0x00, reason = 0x00,
action 0x00
0007b790: freeing FC_E_ABORT_REQUESTED
SXSD013 shd<k>t<ctl>: TIMEOUT @ nnnnnnn
shd<k>t<ctl>: REZEROING
shd<k>t<ctl>: rezero status = 2
The message complex indicates a “normal” timeout on the RAID disk array, recovery
normally repeats the command with success.
If the error messages occur sporadically, save the error messages. Otherwise they do not
indicate any significant operating problems. Notify maintenance staff.