U41117-J-Z125-7-76 245
Global Status Function bar of the Global Status Monitor
Cache Data
The cache utilization data is displayed.

7.3.4 Statistics

The following menu options are available:
History of (page 264)
Logical Components (page 267)
Physical Components (page 276)
Usage (Accounting)1 (page 293)
Both records of operating data (history) and the current operating mode (statistics) can be
displayed and sorted according to various criteria. Statistical data can be displayed via
menus in the function bar or directly via object-related menus.
A detailed desription is provided in the section “History data” on page 257.

7.3.5 Help

Shows a text window with help information.
About GLOBSTAT ...
Shows a copyright note and the revision level of “Global Status”.
1This function is displayed only if an accounting licence is installed.