U41117-J-Z125-7-76 411
XTCC RAID systems

8.17 RAID systems

8.17.1 Object information on RAID systems

CentricStor can be supplied with the RAID systems S80, CX500, CX3-20 and Eternus
3000/4000. In XTCC, the RAID systems are represented as peripherals connected to the
ISP via a Fibre Channel controller.
In some CentricStor configurations, internal RAID controllers are used. These have a direct
connection to the host and do not require a Fibre Channel connection. They are thus not
visible in the overview of the ISP. They become visible when you position the mouse pointer
on the right-hand (gray) border of the ISP symbol and press the right mouse button.
The status of a RAID system is indicated by the colors green (OK), pink (fail), and yellow
(attention) (does not apply for CX500/CX3-20 and Eternus 3000/4000).
The Fibre Channel addresses of the RAID system (controller, target) can be obtained from
the overview: the controller number (number in front of “/FC”) from the controller block, and
the target number from the number that appears after the slash.
Compared to GXCC, XTCC displays additional information on the RAID systems.