U41117-J-Z125-7-76 621


Abbreviation Long form Explanation
3490E 36-Track Drive from IBM
3490F 36-Track Drive from IBM = Berino, successor of 3490E
3590 128-Track Drive from IBM = Magstar, = SNI 3591
3590E 256-Track Drive from IBM = successor of Magstar
3592 512-Track Drive (=Jagu-
ar) from IBM
Successor to the 3590 drive family
9490 36-Track Drive from STK = Timberline
9840 Tape Drive from STK = Eagle
9940 Tape Drive from STK
ABBA/x --- Tape Robot Family from adic/GRAU
ACF Automatic Cartridge
ACI AML Client Interface Interface to ABBA Robots via DAS
ACS Automatic Cartridge Sys-
ACSLS ACS Library Software
AML/x Automatic Media Library New name for ABBA-x
AMU AML Management Unit PC to control the AML Robot including LM
ASR&R Automatic Server
Reconfiguration and
BBU Battery Backup Unit
CDB Command Descriptor
CMF Cache Mirroring Feature
CSI Client System Interface