142 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Main window GXCC

6.1.19 Configuration Changed

If a configuration change is currently being processed in CentricStor, a floppy disk symbol
with a yellow background will appear in the button bar. This occurs if a menu item of the
configuration complex is confirmed with “OK” after activation of the last configuration
When the InfoBroker is restarted, the latent configuration changes are deleted. You
should thus not shut down the CentricStor system without an inquiry or without
issuing the “Restart InfoBroker” command when the floppy disk symbol is displayed.
To prevent the “Configuration Changed” symbol from being activated incorrectly,
PVG settings should not be viewed using “Configuration”, but instead as far as
possible by using the corresponding PLM function “Statistics » Physical Compo-
nents » Physical Volume Groups” on page 283.